Monday, January 31, 2011

Welcome to my silly life

Pretty pretty please, if you ever ever feel
Like you're nothing, you're fuckin perfect to me

Had been busy these few days; chionging drama. Likka no life. xD
Budda I'mma happy girl. So I've became a potato that just sit on the floor watching numerous dramas. &It felt like falling love again.

But seriously, thinking back.. when have my heart really start to fall in love (in my relationships I had before) first? The answer truthfully; No. Not even once.

First xbf- Malay; He was just a good friend of mine & all my friends don't even know we were together. We were still very young then.
Second xbf- Didn't remember how it goes.
Third xbf- Met in the bus; know each other through YZ. Liked him cause he liked me.
Most recent xbf- He liked me first.

Hmm, I don't even know why I'm posting this. Maybe I just wanna share. ;) Don't read too much ok?
Now that I'm still young, I doubt I would want to be tied down so early; afterall Imma Gemini yo? Or probably, I would have much courage than before. How would you feel if you found out that your lover only love you when you were the one who like him/her first?

The truth is; Love can never breakeven.

Monday, January 24, 2011

If only I'd know you would leave whereas, they're staying

Happy moments passes quickly
But I am never afraid, because you're always there

Don't you just miss my fat face sometimes? :)
Went out CNY shopping with Sisters on Sunday, and yet YL was unable to join us cause she was tired after working :[ Poor girl.

We went shopping @Town, then head to Bugis.
I bought like quite a lot, total damage?
Hmm. :)

My sexy elephant legs! Chio right? Elephants are cute ;) Hint hint**

I almost wanted to buy another pair of shoes like mine, but luckily SQ stopped me.
I would have regretted it like 10000000x -.-


While shopping @Bugis, found the exact same piece of my most expensive pants ever there. Like wtf only lor! Knn. Serious. Although there sell like $20 and without the color of mine (Black only; like plain), BUT! WTF @ the price difference can?
But then again, the texture of the pants like different.
* Consoling myself only.

But serious. Angry max can?
So dear shopaholics, you may prefer going to Bugis streets for shopping since you'll be getting the same piece of goddamn clothes if you're getting in FEP/Cine. Seriously. Not to all though, I meant quite a few - like most???
Like kana cheated.
Heng I bought the other jacket, hor sisters?
Thank goodness!

I'm effing hungry nao.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Waking up from a dream; isn't the hardest thing

There's nothing more beautiful
Than a smile that struggles through tears

Got a little much busy this week. Seems like everything was packing and so so so much for me to handle. So, on Friday (Big event, stress ttm) had our Entre ut2! Stress much. Need to wear damn formal, super uncomfortable can? -.-

When one of the judges probe me with a question, I answered with good 'bullshitting' and he gave me a thumbs up. He quite handsome some more lor to be a facilitator. Love him ttm can? :D Cool.

The night before the actual event, I had to complete doing the board. I cut the paper and paste it like !@#$%^&* one okay? Fingers aching, leg cramp for sitting on the floor like 1 2 3 hours. Had to do it nicely without the help of anyone.
Independent lor!

Enough said. Lugging heavy things on my way to school, got freaking irritated by a guy who keeps rubbing his smelly asshole onto my hard work. WTF.
Saw brandon & he couldn't recognize me; looking @ the picture tells you why.
Yea, & he helped me lug my lappy. That's something real man/guy should be doing. (Y) Hahahaha.


Gonna spend my whole Sunday with Sisters again!

I think I will need to thank you, for returning something more important than you are to me; my friends, my brothers & sisters. People who treasure me more than you do. People who will not throw me aside. People who are not you, who will never be like you.
Thanks for leaving. I had no regrets.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

And I don't mind even if you're a beautiful monster

Baby, you're the best I ever had
And I'm certain that, there ain't nothing better than this

Remember I met Sisters & their friend one day?
Awesomely cool that I managed to 'steal' some photos (Y)
Ohya, did I mentioned that I met SQ's sister like after 100000000000x years?
She's like so different nao! So tall somemore, I jealous.
YL & I should both join some 'shorty fan club'. Requirement: Height.
We confirm can get in one lor! :@

Don't you just love my silly & idiotic face?
P.S/ I was just checking if my nostril hairs are growing well or not. They are quite important okay? It helps to filter the air you breathe in and traps the dust/dirt.. That's how your PI SAI comes from (Y)


Total bareface. For the very first time.. I mean, not putting on makeup to somewhere far. LOL @ My gummy smile~ Is that a good thing or a bad thing? >:
Nah, I don't care what's your opinion is! Even hyori has gummy smile. Guess I shouldn't feel bad bout it. (Y)

But I seemed to fail. When is my eyes big in the first place? Next time take pictures put toothpick already. Sian ttm. No wonder Miley Cyrus had to make fun of Asian's eyes. :|

Okay, school is getting more fucked up. I'm getting more pissed & stressed at the freakin same time. What a huge ass. There's so much to do, yet so little time! And I still have not practice some time management! FREAK! What else??! I CANNOT CONCENTRATE WELL @ ALL. Asshole. !@#$%^&*

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I chose the hard way in my life

They can say that I won't stay
But I'm gonna stay my ground

Had the most painful experience this month of time. Stupid asshole. >:( From today's morning till nao. Painful much? Because of this, I couldn't even sleep well last night, nor could I concentrate on my studies. What a perfect ass.

Ya la, painful until I almost cried can? Enough! Craving for some milk, but Moma say I couldn't drink; if not it will be more painful. Hence I spent my whole day in pain even after eating painkillers.

As for yesterday, met Twinnie for shopping in town. Love it! Well, I'm the shopping person. How I wish I'm extremely rich, so that I can buy whatever I need/love. (Y) Wouldn't you feel the same way as well? :) C'on! Don't lie to yourself. Admit it.

Thumbs up if you love Marche! We ate marche yesterday @313, and we saw a great looking man ever! (Y) (Y) Double thumbs up. After all that, we went Plaza Singapura for a movie with Marcus, and then Yingzi came along.
We watch Burlesque! Awesome movie. But most of the scene when CA is singing, can be found on youtube. So you can basically say that, 1/2 of the movie can be found there. -.-
But definitely, a great movie to watch!
After the movie, we walked to FEP! &Marcus had to tolerate us girls for shopping (because we practically went into most of the shops we see). Haha!

I want a boyfriend who can shop as much as me. Someone who won't complain when I shop, who will help me pick a choice when I couldn't make that choice, who will pick something nice for me & ask me to try it on.
Kinda impossible.

Home sweet home with our babies. (Y) Goodness gracious. I love whatever I've bought! But I'm like 40% broke already, yet I still have few more 'rounds' to go. I'm that crazy bout shopping.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Where is the girl who'd lived in me?

Cause when it gets dark and when it gets cold
We hold each other till we see the sunlight

Thought that today we'll partial -.- Was freaking nervous for today's presentation. !@#$%^&*
Irritating to feel that way. I don't like it at all.
Gonna meet my girls tomorrow (Y) For CNY shopping.
&F. I need to get a blazer. FML. Waste so much money. Must remember to wear blazer & tie my hair next week for Entre! :| Must remember to..


People told me I'm different, they said I've changed.
Some, asked me why I couldn't do it. Some, even asked me why I couldn't handle it well this time. Whereas you, asked me why am I making this choice, and why I couldn't accept you.

Yes, I know that you might be different from my previous ones. I know how much you like me. But, all of those passe showed me the aftermath of breaking up; total strangers.
I really treasure our friendship. I don't want to end up being strangers with you. You are more important than they are. You are my friend. You definitely deserves someone better.

I understand you saying that you could mend my brokenhearted. I know you've been there after so much. And that's why I do not wish anything to change. I'm afraid of losing a friend like you.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I can't believe it, it so amazing

Be careful of what you wished for
Because you just might get it, get it?

Omg! Look @ this picture!! I was sloshed that night. But got to thank Teehui cause he made other people drink instead of me. But in the end, I helped Kezann to finished her cup of alcohol cause she's like a bit drunk. :P I ♥ Johnie Walker black label! Like nice~ (Y)

So, on FA ut, seriously good gamed. Super duper utterly cui can?
Lol! Totally expected it. I ended the test early, and my calculator who has been with me for 5years, decided to die on me while I was still having my test. Like wtf.

Yesterday went shopping for awhile with my Moma. :D
Intended to get her a new wallet, but in the end I bought bags as well. -.-
TOCCO TOSCANO one okay?! Like expensive. Freaking much. But now, I would have 2 toscano bags, and 1 wallet. I remembered that the wallet was like $100+++ over! But I haven't been using it for quite awhile but switch to my Guess wallet, which is cheaper than that. Like lame.

Be jealous of me okay? The bags were 'picked out' by my parents. Apparently, because my Moma needs to get a wallet, my Dad brought her to shopping, but they also ended up shopping for my bag~
But got to feel guilty bout it because of what I said jokingly to my Moma last month when we went shopping. "I'm like cheapskate cause my bag cheap cheap onezx."

Then Moma bought her wallet too. Total damage?? My 2months/3months allowance?! Which is freaking a lot. Why did I even get 2 bags in the first place? It's not like I am going to bring to school or whatsoever.

Okay, I'm so gonna try sleeping early tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow will partial :D Yay! Double yay! Goodnight

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Making a wish upon a star, hoping you're doing the same

How come we could not weather
This storm and just do better?
Well, as you can see.. Today is 11th January 2011! Which makes it 11.01.11~
Ben told me that people who is looking at the clock @11.11 today twice (AM & PM) can make a wish and maybe, who knows it might come true.

It won't harm anyone and since it's free.. why not try it also.
And yes I did! I was like over the moon when I can 'celebrate' this time happily. Really a good start for me now. :)

Omgwtfbbqzxzx! I wanted to skip tomorrow's FA ut! Wtf, damn irritated. FML. I can't skip at all because of my 'rainbow' colored results for the first ut. FA damn cui.
I really not cut for FA.. Who knows this module I might need to retake again? OMG. FML.
Touchwood, touchpaper, touchfloor, touchSihui.
Okay, I will need to make another wish. Maybe if tomorrow my eyelash falls off, then I can make a wish again. ROFL. Superstitious me.

Skipped FA lesson on Monday, feels kinda shiok. I mean, it's FA eh, hello? How to survive in class? Got materials also cannot do. Go there machiam like waste time. :| Oops.
Now even my English also cui. FML.
Sihui needs an English teacher also.. Most preferably an Angmoh tutor, best! Lol.

Hello asses! Got miss my fat fat face? :)
Good news.. (Especially for haters who reads my blog, what an ass.)
I freakin' gained 2Kg.
What could have caused that increase anyway..
Maybe because I ate subway before weighing my weight. Hee.
Moma say I gained weight also! Like sad.

Okay, I'm getting bored and not in the mood of studying for tomorrow's test. I'm having a tummy ache leh! :|
Prepare to fail the second time, Sihui.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Does she knows what kind of person you are?

Hey, he was so easy to love.
But wait, I guess that love wasn't enough.

It's my feelings, but why are people around me tryin' to control my feelings too? What's wrong with people? Why are they talking bout me like they are me? Seriously. Stop it. I don't mind if you're asking me how I'm feeling today, what's my plan, what I am going to do...

But seriously get going if you are telling me how I should get into a relationship asap now, or persuading me into part-time relationships. And saying how much I've changed. Flaunting how much you & your partner is different from mine.

Why do people want to bring me down? What have I done to deserve things like this? Why do people want to hurt me? What do they get in return?
Is it that fun/interesting to bring me down?

Why do people even suggest things that are impossible? Why do they have to make me get my hopes high for nothing? Why control my feelings?

Seriously, mind your own business if you're trying to bring me down. Haters are gonna hate. Though I've got no idea why you guys are doing it in the first place. FYI, if you realized me ignoring you, or not replying your texts/calls, do understand that I know where's your 'intention' is coming from.

**And to prevent myself from hurting further, I know what I should do. I can't bring anyone down along with me. I really have to apologize to you. Please don't start promising me things, because I can't give you a chance.

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Cause you don't worth even a penny in my life now

If you can't be honest with me
Then I'm afraid that this is the end

Tadaaa~ How long haven't I been posting up? :)
I am feeling better now, getting more perked up. It's more like; finally being able to put my feet onto the ground, feeling much safer than I previously felt. Thanks for y'all concern. Many many of you.

Well, yesterday went major grocery shopping with parents cause I've got no snacks to eat anymore! Can die!! :( So we ended up buying a lot of food home, including B&J ice cream!! (Y) Just ate it, damn nice.

As for today, went to meet SQ, XY and their friend ;) Went to SQ house & rock all the way. Painted I mean, ruin our chio nails with nail polish.. Had fun with her Mac Book's webcam. After her house I went to TM! Like after I very long time ago.. that explains how I was able to get lost in TM. Bravo, Sihui. (Y) Is everybody putting thumbs up for me? ;)

Yuh. I couldn't find my way to Cotton On, or to Artbox. And best is, I couldn't even find my way out or my bus stop -.- Like nerd only. But in the end I managed to find my way (by eavesdrop a group of girls who wanted to go Cotton On too, & I followed them -.- ) and bought my things. Imma happy girl when it comes to shopping. Hahahaha.

Gonna kill myself soon cause I haven't finish studying Math!! Wanna die.
Okay, Imma watch my videos and then study tonight; along with my snacks! Love it! Goodbye~

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

A night with myself

There's nothing you can do anymore
But to payback

Okay, I'm like gonna share something that I was shocked by.. erm myself? Lol. On first night of 2011, I got really hungry like a fucking asshole that I could eat up an elephant. It was rather like 4am in the morning though, and because of the hunger, I can't go to sleep at all! So I decided to eat something in the kitchen after realizing that there isn't any tidbits on the dinning table.

I ended up cooking myself some instant porridge that is made of cereals -.- from quaker one!! It tastes horrible. And when I was looking @the packaging, I realized that IT WAS EXPIRED! For 2months sia. But I couldn't care less cause I was freakin' hungry, remember?

But after that, I was still feeling hungry. Thus, I cooked myself some porridge (rice -.-) which ended up a little burnt. Like fail only. Sian ttm. I was so afraid that my family members caught me eating @such a late time and worse, cooking without an adult's supervision. How lame. In the end I squat down, hid in one corner to eat my food. Damn pathetic.

After that went straight to sleep. Like shiok. I like. Next day, my Mom kept probing me bout the unwashed dishes and her burnt pot. Now you know, I don't wash dishes one. Hahahaha. Later got truckloads of wrinkle on your hand, how? Must buy gloves then I will start doing my dishes. Ha! Like a bit stupid.

Anywayzx, I realized that my appetite has grown 100000000x much bigger. -.-
Okay, going to eat nao. Byebye loves!

Saturday, January 01, 2011

The man that can't be moved, has touched me.

Turn on the music, and shake ya body
D.A.N.C.E on the floor

School reopening soonzx; like just one more day! :( Fml. I don't know if I've spent my time wisely though. Yes, I had fun. Yes, I had truckloads of events. Yes, I had spent time with people I loved. Yes, I have done whatever was on my to-do list. But it still seems like it's never enough.

However, life still goes on and I am still young ;) I can't wait for my 18th birthday! It's like 6months and 13days more. Can't help but think how will I be spending my life after that special day. Neither can you, right? I mean, who knows?

I missin' truckloads of people nowzx. Would you be the one I'm missing too? The feeling is so different and, I don't know how you should put it, but I think it's weird? :)
And that asshole Yz.. is really killing me! Omg. I want her dead too! I HAVEN'T BEEN SEEING HER FOR LIKE IN 10000000x YEARS TIME!
I will shove something up her ass when I meet her. I guess.
Alrightzx! Nao going to take a late shower to relax myself and study for ut2. OMGWTFBBQZXZX!