Monday, January 24, 2011

If only I'd know you would leave whereas, they're staying

Happy moments passes quickly
But I am never afraid, because you're always there

Don't you just miss my fat face sometimes? :)
Went out CNY shopping with Sisters on Sunday, and yet YL was unable to join us cause she was tired after working :[ Poor girl.

We went shopping @Town, then head to Bugis.
I bought like quite a lot, total damage?
Hmm. :)

My sexy elephant legs! Chio right? Elephants are cute ;) Hint hint**

I almost wanted to buy another pair of shoes like mine, but luckily SQ stopped me.
I would have regretted it like 10000000x -.-


While shopping @Bugis, found the exact same piece of my most expensive pants ever there. Like wtf only lor! Knn. Serious. Although there sell like $20 and without the color of mine (Black only; like plain), BUT! WTF @ the price difference can?
But then again, the texture of the pants like different.
* Consoling myself only.

But serious. Angry max can?
So dear shopaholics, you may prefer going to Bugis streets for shopping since you'll be getting the same piece of goddamn clothes if you're getting in FEP/Cine. Seriously. Not to all though, I meant quite a few - like most???
Like kana cheated.
Heng I bought the other jacket, hor sisters?
Thank goodness!

I'm effing hungry nao.

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