Friday, December 31, 2010

So I'm gonna give all my secrets away

Hello 2011, and goodbye 2010.
Even though there might be memories made regardless good or bad, we must still move on. So, I will live better in 2011. I hope my resolutions this year do come true~ (cause it doesn't for 2010!) I also hope that yours come true too :)

So, as promise in 10000000x post before, I will reveal my secrets to you!
However, it won't be too detailed nor will I reveal secrets that are way too impossible to post on blog, cause you'll never know who's reading.. Here goes!

1. I have cheated on my first xbf if flings are counted.
2. I've make up on; most of the time.
3. I had a Maple boyfriend, and a Audition boyfriend.
FYI, Maple and Audition are computer games I'd played before, and seriously, I think there are a lot of gamers who're crazy.
4. I was offered to have sex with a guy when I played Habbo.
Goddamn crazy. That's why I loathe guys who play computer games. It really destroys your life and others'.
5. My childhood dream is to be a housewife.
Lol, right? I wanted to stay home and cook for my family, take care of my kids, and to greet my husband when he comes home. That's stupid, for me now.
6. I can still remember my first crush's name; Vincent.
I liked him, but we were way too young. Plus my 'good friends' made us in a embarrassed situation that time :)
7. I had hickeys before.
8. I've seen a penis before.
9. The last time I bathed with a female in the same cubicle was 2009.
10. I had a stalker right after I ended my relationship.
That guy was someone I know and liked me before. But once he knows I'm single again, he started to become a nuisance again.

There's more but I'm starting to be lazy already :B

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Love came knocking on my door; Not once but twice

So! How did everyone out there celebrate y'all Xmas?
I'm rather curious how did others celebrate a day like this. Did you spend your time @home and do nothing? Or did you spend your time out there till the next day? :)

I ♥ how people appreciates my sincerity every now and then. Especially when it's a gift to my friends, whom I specially took my time to bake the delicious cookies. Psst! I even woke up damn early that day! Cause I know, there are people out there who has/have never once appreciate my effort at all. You've got no idea how it feels like. You know what I mean?
But I'm glad that it didn't turn out to be like that.

Even though Yz still have not receive hers; and I think it's going to rot soon.. But I don't care. I must still give it to her, and watch her eat! (Okay, unless it's rotten..) -.- I guess I would kill her if that happens then.
I'm good @Culinary okay? Lol. Maybe not this time though :|
And guess what?! My Dad bought me Xmas present, after so long that we have not celebrated Xmas. Plus the fact that we quarreled on Xmas Eve. :) Guess they figured out that I'll be lonely this year.. (Though I am not; I APPRECIATE THAT!♥)

It's a Piggy Bank
Maybe it's a hint hint that I need to save money soonzx! Lol. But I'm that kind of girl who has $50, spend $40, leaving $10 in the purse and hoping that the money will grow or double itself the next day when I wake up from my beauty sleep! :)
However, I still like what they gave me. My grandparents even gave me money to spend -.- It's not really a wise thing to do though.
Thus, appreciates things whenever you can. And if people don't appreciates what you gave, or your effort, maybe there's something wrong. Something is definitely wrong with that person, and the fact that they don't worth it at all.

OHYA! I♥My Grandma! Can you believe she just sang along to Katy Pery's "Firework" during the commercial break? How cute! Lol.
Psst! Just now, I sneakily took a 1.5L Coke to drink and I finished it all within half an hour. Wtf. What should I do when my Mom is going to find it missing tomorrow?!! Omfgzx...

Monday, December 27, 2010

Rants; Blah Blah Blah

Okay, I'm now freaking pissed off. It's not like I did it on purpose right? It's not as if I didn't do what I'm assigned to do, right? Before people even speak and say things like you didn't do your work, how about checking and making sure? Instead of doubting people, why can't you ask? Isn't that's what mouth is for? Other than talking..
I'm like Wtf, I DID MY WORK OKAY? It's not like I completely never do anything. Just because I didn't go doesn't mean I have not and will not do any work. It's freaking irritating. Totally spoils my mood.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Merry Xmas!

But tonight I'm loving you
And you can never stop me from it, baby!

Merry Xmas to everyone! (Though it's a bit late.) :P
I guess everyone had their greatest time of all, which includes me.
Last year, I had made some happy and sad memories.
But this year, I'd only had the happy moments in my life. That's great, ya? :)
So, let's begin with Xmas eve. I went to meet my Sisters-for-life @Changi Airport Terminal 3. Was kinda tricked to go there, but it was my fault alright? :( Thought there is this mega flea market for us to go.. but in the end it was just a small and a few pathetic booths there. I baked some cookies for my love ones (especially for those who had been there for me when I'm down), that I had forgotten to look at the time and thus, I was late.
Oh my! It sounds like an excuse! :|

Meet them, walked and shopped around. AND I WAS FREAKING HUNGRY! And I was craving for some McDonalds. (Someone should really stop me!! I'm like having this crave for like weeks and weeks!!) I kinda dragged them there, and I felt a bit.. apologetic to YL cause she works in Mc and has to eat burgers for 4days per week. But I know they love me, so ya~ ENJOYED MY BURGER WITH LOTS OF SAUCE. Damn saucey! :| It was really my first time meal with all Mc sauce they have. Awesome!

What was I digging in my bag in the first place? And when is this even taken? -.-

AND WE TRIED JUMPING SHOTS! Omg! I don't understand why I always fail in this. To be honest, in all jumping shots we did, I only jumped successfully once! Yet it was too blurry! FML.



So on Xmas day itself, I spent my day sleeping, watching tv, distributing my cookies, and spend time @Twinnie's house! ;D To those who received the cookies, paiseh it's kinda hard but it's made with love, okay? And I want to thank you for being there for me when I'm having my downfall and brokenhearted times.
Anywayzx! I learnt how to play Monopoly Deal with Twinnie today! Awesome shitzx! There was once when I'd already won, but the both of us didn't realize and we continue playing until I finally check my cards. My Dad came to fetch me home after that! :)

I may not have the best Xmas celebration ever, or received any awesome and expensive Xmas gifts ever, but I've spend my time fully with people I loved. That is something achieving already. Met up with awesome people, going to a place that isn't posh but able to spend time with them, staying at home with those folks, baking cookies for people who appreciate my sincerity, and realized I am still alive for myself. Anywayzx!
May you stay happy foreverzx:)
18/12 (SAT); Shopping with SQ @Bugis
20/12 (MON); Class Outing @Marina Barage
21/12 (TUE); House Cleaning @Grandparent's house
23/12 (THU); Swimming with Twinnie, Baking, Movie with Friends

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Mad man, Bad man

To give me all your love
Is all I ever asked

There are times when I really wished I'm a guy. So I can go around breaking hearts, being a jerk, flirting with girls openly, and even if I'm attached, I can manipulate my girlfriend, I can push all the blames on her..
I always thought that it was my fault, I did something wrong, and that I've hurt you. Until today. I realized, that it wasn't me. It was you. The change of heart, the decision to throw me aside like an used old toy, and her. It was all well planned. You lied, to me. Because you're a guy. You never cared about how others would feel; You are much selfish than I am. The problem didn't lie on me. At least now I know, I am not in the wrong as much as you are. Once bitten, twice shy. I will never believe you again. But I guess, there won't be anytime that we'll meet. We've became what we've started; Strangers. You win. You got what you wanted. Are you happy now?

On Wednesday, had our lesson @ Sentosa, way cool! :) It was awesome ttm. Whole class broke the school rule; wearing slippers or sandals. Once in a while breaking some rules, are always cool and fun. So ya! Excursion with the class! (Y) Brandon said I sounded like some primary school kid who is excited for excursion. Kinda true. But next day, we had the most shag lesson ever. And and! I touched an IGUANA! A lizard eh~ Overcome my fear, for the very first time.

And on Friday; IT WAS LAST DAY OF SCHOOL. And I was awesomely happy. Marilyn & me kinda copied Teehui's RJ on that day :\ He's that nice :) And I fly Brandon kite sia :\ He waited for me but in the end he had to go home by himself. Oops. After doing my RJ, went to take bus with Teehui. Had a funny bus ride with him to interchange as it was raining. All because of this small girl who sat opposite me, made us laugh throughout the journey. People on the bus thought I was crazy or something. :(
After that! WENT TO TOWN TO FIND MY TWINNIE! AWESOME shit! :) Shopping, I love you so so so much that I want to be with you forever!
Bought my stuffs. Ohmy! :)

And today! I stayed home instead of going to the flea market. Fly Ben kite :\ Lol. Planned to find him @the flea with his group of brothers, while I bring some company too. But I was so damn tired that I slept until 4pm again. :\ Woke up and he was !@#$%&* me. Say what wanna introduce me to some guys blah blah blah. But instead I said, I'll sing you "I don't need a man~". And now this petty man refuse to talk to me. TCH! Every man I know seems to be petty.
Oh ya! And I tidied my closet today. Spend time with my Grandmama! Jealous of me, okay? I lied on my Grandmama's arm just now~ I know it's nothing big, but just tell me, HOW MANY OF YOU GUYS AT MY AGE ARE STILL DOING THINGS LIKE THAT NOW? :) I'm so fortunate, I love my Grandmama!

Going to meet my love tomorrow! :) Goodnight people! I go spend time with my Moma nowzx~

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tell me what you want to hear

Apologizing does not always mean you're in the wrong
It just that you value it more than your own ego

Ohmy! Everything is just like a bitch to me nao :( That flirtatious bitch, money is a bitch, school is also another bitch, and and and.. my weight is also a bitch. Wtf. D; Remember I said I lost 6kg just a few weeks that time? Now I'm freakin' gaining back 1 or 2kg. How can sia! Now I need to maintain it, before it worsens.
And! Tell me if I'm too fast paced before, that's why I feel left out now. ): I started using make up at a very young age, when my friends do not even know what foundation is. Now when I'm starting to reduce using it, everyone (most, okay?) I know is using make up. -.- Must we always go against the current? But I like the fact that these few days I'm not wearing eye make up anymore. Shiok sia, can rub my eyes often. (Y)

There seems to be so many outings this week and I really feel very suffocated. I don't know. I think I will definitely enjoy spending time with friends, but.. I still kinda suffocate me just by thinking about it. But still, there's so much things I wanna do. Like flea market shopping? Watch movies? Hang out at BFF's house and make awesome videos? Crazy shopping with co? Finding a job? Visiting cousin's house just because there's 2cats there!? Movie marathon with loved ones? Slacking @starbucks &drinking my all time favourite? Ice skate with co? And many more la! :( What the..

Okay, I should stop thinking. Let's just pray everything will go according the plan. As if.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I was by your side till you pushed me in the fire

You sound guilty
Cause you're stuttering

Don't say I'm crazy, cause I know myself very well. But one day, I really do wanna do something real crazy.
I'm struggling really hard now, juggling myself back into reality. I know that time heals, I know just how many people cares, I know how it's not worth it for now. Glamorous solo, sadness is only for now.
Found back what makes me happy at the first place :) Found myself back, is the greatest thing ever. I would not need to dress to please people, nor will I sacrifice pain for anyone. Isn't it the best? Finding myself growing up with all those wounds. Just someday, the wound will close up, someone will mend the broken hearted. Now this glamorous solo is gonna wear a condom to protect those shattered heart pieces. I don't need a man right now. I don't need a boyfriend. I don't need my schedule to be packed. I don't need to fill up my brain for anyone. I don't need someone who just gonna pissed me off, or makes me decode him. I don't need someone to hold my hands. I don't need promises that will still gonna break in any minute.

What I need now is myself, my family, my friends, my goals, and my dream. Yes, I may have given up my dream for you before. But now, I found myself back into life, gonna live for my dream, and not you. I'm not screwed up. I'm not a quitter. I gave all I can, and though it's not enough for you, I tried my best. I did not give up on my heart, I fought for my love.

Money is such a bitch. Now I'm doing my resume. Gonna earn the fuck back. Yea, I was rich for a teenager before. But after I made the sacrifice, I'm just another poor teenage. :( Pull up ya socks and earn the bitch back! Then I'm gonna shop till I drop. After all, who am I? A shopaholic, duh!
I am so sorry for giving shopping up. Now, I'm myself again, I will never leave you alone. Hah!
I have this wonderful song in my head for the whole day :) Awesome!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Easy come, easy go. That's you.

Faking a smile is easier
Than explaining why you are sad

These are all those overdue pictures I found in my phone, there's actually much more, but I'm lazy. Well, that's me :)
Marina barrage with my loves! We went to watch Confessions on last Wednesday since I've skipped the audition and so on. It was really a good movie. Nice, I tell you. Haha. I really wanna watch Hello Stranger nao! Stupid.

Very long ago picture of my Twinnie and I. We were watching Paranormal Activity2. Stupid show. Never liked it in the first place. -.- Met Twinnie last night :) Way cool.

This is on Monday! Yes I got drunk -.- And I did crazy stuff. For example, calling people? Lol. I didn't even remember who I called, or who I talked to.
Pamela said I called her and told her about something like Singapore has earthquake. And she got shocked, I guess. Scary. But I got home safely. Went home, dragged my sloshed body and use lappy; just to ... Never mind.

Hmm, shall I post something exciting the next post? :)
It gets me excited anyway. Shall reveal my secrets. It's up to you if you wanna read or not. Hah. This is my space man.
Love! Byebye.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

I wanna come home

It'll be good to hear your voice. And if I could have just one wish, I'd have you by my side.
I love you more than I did before. Nothing's changed, no one can take your place. It gets harder everyday. I want to come home.
Tears falls from my eyes. God, I'm torn apart inside.
I looked up at the stars, hoping you're doing the same. I never wanna lose you, please always stay. You're the one that I wanna hold on to, cause my heart would stop without you. I really wanna come home. I'm calling out, can you hear my voice? I'm gonna find you through all the noise. You know there's nothing that I wouldn't do, so shine your light as I reach for you.
My heart beats for love, it's the sound that I hear, tells me not to give up. It breathes in my chest, and it runs through my blood.
I've been told at least a thousand times. It's not worth the struggle, the hurt or the trouble. I keep running up to these front lights. No I won't surrender, I'll wait here forever. Can't you see that it's worth the fight?

Every Rose has its thorn

Just like every night has its dawn
Just like every cowboy sings a sad, sad song

On Thursday, stayed back to study with good friends, and my best teacher in RP.
There's only one word to describe his brain, "FAST".
He can solve mathematical questions fast and accurately.
Jealous of his brain.

I looked so isolated sitting there myself!
But truth is, you can see me working really hard to understand Math.
Honestly, I did not study after going home.
I hit the bed and slept until very late. But still in time to finish up the homework.
And next day went for retest, I still am able to do some questions.
Am I a genius or what? ;D

People missing in the picture: Haidhar & Jia Min.
Heeheehee. Scandals hur? Rekindle the love?

It was Pamela's birthday on Friday. Gave her a surprise, and it was my first time seeing her with makeup (Y).
Happy birthday, love!

Makeup is good. It's to give girls confidence, it's telling guys that we don't need your approval to put 'craps' onto our face.
If you don't like the sh*t on my face, just go to the nearest toy shop and buy yourself a Barbie doll in a nice package, and fuck with it
Nah, no one should get offended by things like that ;) Cheerios.

Dear Pam & your friend, stay long and all the best to the both of ya! :)

He told me that he could mend my heart. He told me that he won't be like Him. He told me that he can help me in forgetting Him. He told me he will be a fighter and never give us up. He told me that I will be his everything. He told me that he will treat me like a princess. He told me that we are a masterpiece. He told me that we are meant to be together. He told me he could wait.
But he isn't someone I like, whispers my heart.

Something smells like rotting in my room. FML -.-
Gonna have a date with my hubby bubby. LOL. So cheesy :(
Stupid Teehui! Really want to scold him already sia!
Waste my whole Saturday! D;

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Now throw your hands in the air

With everyone saying different things
Made things much harder for me

Try this, babys!
This is something like a Genius Genie who is able to predict who the hell you are thinking or on ya mind.
Damn freaky I tell you.
Show you guys my results okay?

Firstly, I thought of Junsu from DBSK.
Of course the first came to my mind is him, he's mine and we had a son already.

After answering some questions and Genie showed me this results. (Y)

But I didn't believe it. Maybe it's just coincidence or .. you know, easy to guess, so I made a few more tries.
Next, I thought of my Idol, Bom.

It freaked me out, what about you?
It's like reading my thoughts you know?! ♥ BOM.
And to prove everyone that it is somewhat freaky, I did it one more time.
This time, I thought of the all-time-favourite guy, Taeyang.

WTF?! Right? Damn freaking amazing.
The accuracy is like 85% though.
I tried a few times more, with those who are not famous that kinda thing.
And ya, I thought of Singapore actor, Lee Nan Xing. LOL!
& Genie failed. -.-
Got pwned! Hah.

But it's like something one must at least try once. It will definitely amaze you.
Actually, my first choice wasn't Junsu.
I lied D;
I thought of someone important. &Genie got it right.
That's when I got freaking amazed.