Sunday, December 12, 2010

I was by your side till you pushed me in the fire

You sound guilty
Cause you're stuttering

Don't say I'm crazy, cause I know myself very well. But one day, I really do wanna do something real crazy.
I'm struggling really hard now, juggling myself back into reality. I know that time heals, I know just how many people cares, I know how it's not worth it for now. Glamorous solo, sadness is only for now.
Found back what makes me happy at the first place :) Found myself back, is the greatest thing ever. I would not need to dress to please people, nor will I sacrifice pain for anyone. Isn't it the best? Finding myself growing up with all those wounds. Just someday, the wound will close up, someone will mend the broken hearted. Now this glamorous solo is gonna wear a condom to protect those shattered heart pieces. I don't need a man right now. I don't need a boyfriend. I don't need my schedule to be packed. I don't need to fill up my brain for anyone. I don't need someone who just gonna pissed me off, or makes me decode him. I don't need someone to hold my hands. I don't need promises that will still gonna break in any minute.

What I need now is myself, my family, my friends, my goals, and my dream. Yes, I may have given up my dream for you before. But now, I found myself back into life, gonna live for my dream, and not you. I'm not screwed up. I'm not a quitter. I gave all I can, and though it's not enough for you, I tried my best. I did not give up on my heart, I fought for my love.

Money is such a bitch. Now I'm doing my resume. Gonna earn the fuck back. Yea, I was rich for a teenager before. But after I made the sacrifice, I'm just another poor teenage. :( Pull up ya socks and earn the bitch back! Then I'm gonna shop till I drop. After all, who am I? A shopaholic, duh!
I am so sorry for giving shopping up. Now, I'm myself again, I will never leave you alone. Hah!
I have this wonderful song in my head for the whole day :) Awesome!

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