Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tell me what you want to hear

Apologizing does not always mean you're in the wrong
It just that you value it more than your own ego

Ohmy! Everything is just like a bitch to me nao :( That flirtatious bitch, money is a bitch, school is also another bitch, and and and.. my weight is also a bitch. Wtf. D; Remember I said I lost 6kg just a few weeks that time? Now I'm freakin' gaining back 1 or 2kg. How can sia! Now I need to maintain it, before it worsens.
And! Tell me if I'm too fast paced before, that's why I feel left out now. ): I started using make up at a very young age, when my friends do not even know what foundation is. Now when I'm starting to reduce using it, everyone (most, okay?) I know is using make up. -.- Must we always go against the current? But I like the fact that these few days I'm not wearing eye make up anymore. Shiok sia, can rub my eyes often. (Y)

There seems to be so many outings this week and I really feel very suffocated. I don't know. I think I will definitely enjoy spending time with friends, but.. I still kinda suffocate me just by thinking about it. But still, there's so much things I wanna do. Like flea market shopping? Watch movies? Hang out at BFF's house and make awesome videos? Crazy shopping with co? Finding a job? Visiting cousin's house just because there's 2cats there!? Movie marathon with loved ones? Slacking @starbucks &drinking my all time favourite? Ice skate with co? And many more la! :( What the..

Okay, I should stop thinking. Let's just pray everything will go according the plan. As if.

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