Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Staff only!

I love love love this! It's a tag while working @ JAYPARK's concert!
Damn excited lorh!
Jealous huh, you people. Kekeke.

Will update about that day next time, because it's late now.
Very late.
Especially when I'll need to wake up early for class event tomorrow!
Will be meeting Pam before meeting the rest of W45D.
Can't wait!

There is this fucking flying cockroach nymph shit flying in the toilet when I was bathing. What a good time I chose to bath.
Damn unlucky la!
That piece of shit was flying above my head, and whenever I move, it moves too.
If you watch the cockroach show, you will understand why.
Watch more tv people! It helps in increasing your knowledge and common sense.

Today my handphone kept ringing, and I felt like I was so busy. -.-
Once in a lifetime, I guess.
But, I didn't expect Yingzi to call me out of a sudden, because these days have been busy with class event...
So, she called. &she asked if I know who KimJunHo is.
Of course I know! He's my lover's twin brother yo! Lol.
She was invited to the Junho's fan meet, and she's able to bring a friend along.
&then she invited me! Hohohoho.
I bet that day will be super fun, because there'll be a handshake, and there will be an intimate session~
It'll be fun!

Popping like a popcorn in Golden village. Lol.
I am dancing around at home like crazy! (Although I'm still freaking about the cockroach..)

My very first 'forehead' photos revealed! Lol.
The last time I ever reveal my forehead is when I was in Secondary2, before I cut my sibei long hair &fringe.
&The last time I tied my hair in public was... the last day of O levels.

Anyway, I am super excited as my life has become more colourful now, and I can say I'm trying to live my life to the fullest.
Who cares about how emo you can be, who cares about how ugly shit you might be, who cares about how empty your wallets can be, who cares.... &so on.
As long as you're trying your best to live better, and not give up on yourself.
So, tadaaa~
Even doing mask, you must be this happy.

Don't you agree?
Hahahaha! Enjoy.
Oh, by the way. Someone I know is going for a cosmetic surgery.
So I told her to remove all those old photos of hers and upload new chio photos.
You know, the before &after photos can be an obstacle to others point of view about people who did cosmetic surgery.

If I was her, I would remove all my old ugly fugly photos, and delete them. &buy those photos I took before from my friends or whosoever. Lol.
Just kidding~
Okay, I need to sleep now! Bye peeps.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Here goes..

I'm getting bored as days are passing.
Damn, my life sucks ttm.

For now, I will be depressed the moment someone mentions the word, 'Banquet'.
It's fucking sad lorh!
I mean I totally dislike working in Banquet department.
Not only you'll get to see how they handle food &beverage, you'll get the inside look of their kitchen. Although I might have only work in one of the top-notch hotel in Singapore (Will not reveal where it is, regarding of their hygiene*), I still dislike it!
Plus, my right index finger got burnt like shit! Not literally though.
But man! How do you even describe the pain? Even though I scalded myself by the heavy pot of tea, I was still required to pour tea for all the patrons there and refill it.
&the next day, my finger was in purple or near to black colour.
&To watch them eat, is something I can't control myself from thinking about the delicacy which makes me drool.
Ha! Don't take me too seriously, I won't, and never drool because of food.
Or at least, someone's food.

I can't stand it. I need some life.
Seriously need some full-time shopping (from 12noon to 12am), some exercise because all the fats are now considered an occupant inside my body, or some house visiting.
Picture shows a thousand words, right?
So now, I'm going to show you all one photo, but only one word.
Here goes:

The word is 'bored'!
No one can be as bored as I am now!
If you guess the word right, you'll receive a prize from me~!
Like, not.


I should start planning:
1. Serious shopping
2. Exercise!
3. Visit the doctor on time
4. Change my button-less phone ;) Blackberry or Iphone??
5. Shave my hair, I mean cut
Just anything rather than staying @home and rot, yuh agree?
Nowzxzx, I am going to bed!~ Need to sleep early from now!
Yes, from today onwards!
Goodnight ♥

Friday, September 17, 2010

Blah blah blah

So, so bored just staying @homeeeeeeeeeeee!
But, I like! Though shopping &working are way fun.

Currently, I am on medication!
It's nothing to be ashame of ;) So yuh, I admitted. Hahaha.
It's late at night but I am soooo hungry.
I am craving for some Chicken Bolognese or Creamy Chicken @Pastamania!
Kekeke. Hungry Hungry! :(
Alright~ I'm going back to watch Ghost whisperer!
(Can't nobody hold us down~)
Before that, tsktsktsk.
I think I should go town and top up clothings for my closet! :D

Monday, September 13, 2010

Love, is over tonight

Do I see myself in the wrong.
Of course I don't.
Love, is over tonight.

It just doesn't make any sense for any living thing or humans to game (Yes, I mean gaming.) from the night till the morning @3 or 4, and head to bed right after.
What else, something that isn't making any shit sense to me at all, that a breathing creature is able to sleep from 4am to 7pm at the night.

How is that good for any breathing humans' health?
If that is good, ladies wouldn't sleep as early as 8pm at night and would rather miss some dramas/variety/shows that are nice and interesting.

I do not think eating how much healthy food, excercise, or spending big fat money into surgery can make you to be in priviledge to sleep and wake at such nonsensical timing.
You said you are able to plan your timing yourself. Yet, this is what I am expected from you.
It's just giving me these two tight slaps that shut me up.
Thank you.
Thanks, for slapping me real hard.

I just don't understand why would anyone be doing this, for the sake of gaming with friends. It just seems like it is so important. Gaming is more important than sleeping? I would rather choose to go for some exercise, if I would spend hours into gaming.

I thought we can, or at least I can. Improve some shit out of the relationship. But, seriously, who can accept such thing? I just can't think how right is this.
To add salt to a wound, or just by tramping over people's intention, I was named as "You are just like my parents," and "Stop controlling me."

I don't see when I was trying to control. I just wanted someone to understand that all humans need sleep at the right timing. There will be consequences to things like this that you are doing.

But, everything just seem like it is my fault, right from the start of advicing someone I loved and cared.
I just made myself so stupid.
As if I just shitted right infront of myself.

I've told people not to regret what you do, or what path you choose.
That's because often, I regret.
Since you want me to stop controlling you.
I hope you won't be regretting this.
I wouldn't bother much anymore. Game shit, go and play with your friends. I'll be less pushy &controlling. Game until you die. But remember, I won't be there saving your life because I wouldn't want to be name, "Hey! You're controlling my life! Let me lead whatever life I want."
You decide, you take the path yourself.

So, without any doubts, since freedom is what you asked for, I want mine as well.
I doubt we'll be cross passing anyone's life in terms of privacy.
I want my freedom back too, to be fair, and square when I gave yours back.
Please, never control my life at all.
I will lead well with my decision.
I will take the path, and be responsible about my own life.
I am myself, again.
Thank you.

I will lead well.

Love, is over tonight.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Random review

It has been days since I last posted.
But I don't really have the mood to post :(
Anyway, on 090910, went to watch HAUNTED CHANGI.
Shall not post pictures of that movie. Kekeke.
Personally, I do not recommend any friends who love horror movie to watch this, because it seriously is a boring horror film.
If it is on youtube or any programme that I can possibly fast forward, it would be fast-forward to the last part.
I think only the last part is worth watching, and to be afraid.
At the start of the movie, it just about this group of people who must film the entire situation down and they went to och.
&of course, it seriously bores me as there is very less scary factors and almost put me to sleep. -.-
Only until the last part, I managed to let out an awkward scream when the female ghost from China, with short hair &bangs suddenly appear right infront of her screen.
Her face was damn close.
If I didn't turn away, I think I can count her pores. Or moles, at least.
I remembered during secondary2, we have this project about places in Singapore, and our group went to och. I didn't remember why did we chose that place to go. Our group consist of Ray, Carolyn, Twinnie, and me. But Yingzi & twinnie's uncle followed us along there. Definitely, the place we visited (och) is very different from the scenes in Haunted Changi. Definitely, there were a lot of graffiti. I remembered that except for broken glasses on the floor and blood stains which is more likely to be a prank or someone elses when they sneaked in at night, it was clean. Plus, almost everything was intact there. Like built-in cabinets, toilets that has a toilet bowl and mirrors, and even the lift! We were lucky enough to take a look at the inside of the lift, which even had a bench. Not only that, patients' medical files are still there. Also, we saw a mannequin that only has the bottom part once we enter into the rooms.
However, maybe that was about 4years ago, and things are very different or have changed since then. Thus explains the difference.
All in all, I wouldn't have watch it if I read the reviews beforehand. I do not think it is so worth it for a red coloured note. Unless you really need some boring horror. But if you people are like me, it should be half the price worth watching it because at least during the last part, it'll manage to make you scream for once, or least makes you shiver because of Xiao Juan, the China ghost.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010


Yoyoyo everyone!
It's been days since I've blog yuh? :)
Currently I should be studying nowzxzxzx because of UT!
BUT! I'm here!
That's because tomorrow is a BIG day, it's the-day!
1. 1year Anniversary
2. 2NE1's comeback! ♥ (yipeee!)
3. Maths UT3 :'(
Hey, notice how it goes accordingly? Haha.
Okay so I am excited.
Hey it's not a sin to show your excitement right?
No matter what I'm a Blackjack- kekekekeke.
That explains why I am so excited, yuh? :)

2NE1 Nolja!
Seriously, I'm diggin' Bommie & CL hair.
It suits them well, am I right?
Their comeback songs are nice. Thumbs up!
Can't you tell me how much you love them too? ;)

Or, you can choose to tell me how much you Love me.

This photo is taken during examination, thus it's so failed.
Must not let the facilitator know I'm doing something irrelevant during examination right? Hence explains the awkward posture ;)
You'll keep a secret for me yuh?

I know, I know.
I should be concentrating during examinations, but something like this is unable to prevent/avoid right.?
I know you agree with me, thanks uh! :)


I seriously think that the facilitator is weird to the max!!
During the examinations, not only he is weird about bringing SUCH a huge water bottle to school, he was looking @me during the examination, like I was attempting to cheat and the fact that he was trying to catch me cheating.
Not only that, there's this guy in the class who kept starring a girl who is beside me that wore very skimpily and have thick makeup on her face- thick eyeliner + shimmering eyeshadow, foundation that made her look so ghostly, not forgetting the lips that look as oily as the cooking oil my Mama is using. Lol.
So, should I still conclude that all men love women who does not put makeup at all?

I shall talk about this next time ;)
But, do men ♥ women who do not put on makeup at all, or women who does put makeup on their faces?
This is something worth discussing about, no?
I think most women would love to know something like this, especially if a handful is still single and searching for their other half.

I will most probably edit my blog again tomorrow~
Gotta play 2NE1 music, duh! ;)
So long people, wait till then we'll meet.

&For now, let's celebrate because today is the only date that is 080910 !
It is in sequence toooooo!

Stay happy everyone~

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Big celebration

Today is teachers' day.
But definitely, never forget that today is also my TWINNIE'S birthday! ♥♥♥
I am currently in twinnie's house with yingzi, who just came @2.45pm when we agreed to meet 11am Sharp! Lol.
But I was late a bit also.
As I went to compass to buy my brunch. Kekeke.
There was one guy who bought 12cups of bubbletea @cupwalker!
We are doing revision @twinnie's house, right now :)
I'd just finished studying my communication module. Except for P15, which I didn't remember myself listening in class at all.
I am gone case for other module especially OB, MATH, SCIENCE.
Now I feel like crying.
Funny pose~ Kekeke
That was really fun!
My twinnie & I

I love the wiggly fingers, curly hair etc

I think I'm crazy.
It has just spoilt my image! OMG

Lastly, it's me again! @my twinnie's house.
It has been long since I went to her house, so of course, I NEED to take a lot of photos in her house~

So, went to hospital again total.
Ohyuh! Yesterday when I went to the hospital as usual, I took a cab there.
The cab uncle is very weird seh!
What did he do?
He thought I was a nurse, and asked "Xiao mei, are you a nurse?" and when I said no, he said in disbelief "Is it?! But you look very like a nurse lorh! Hahahaha."
Like, for what I lie to him? &I was wearing homeclothes leh! He still want to communicate with perfect English with me, and obvious he failed.

Not only that! He sang a few hokkien song for me, whistles and make those disgusting moaning sound. Suddenly, he went "BOM!!"
Even though I was shocked, I acted calmly.
Then, there he goes, telling me how bad Singapore drivers can be, telling me how dangerous it is to be on the road.
&I ignored.
I mean, who cares? As long as you drive me safely to my destination and stop disturbing my peace in the cab. Especially with your weird moaning sound luh!

Okay, talking about something more exciting!
I want to go for Kpop night concert! :( But but, I need to know where to get the cash.
The price range is from $118 to $258.
The tickets will be selling from HMV~
So, here are the details:

I am not sure if I am able to go or not! :(
Thus again, I feel like crying.
I would definitely plus chop, plus sumpa getting the tickets if 2ne1 is going, or dbsk :D
