Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Staff only!

I love love love this! It's a tag while working @ JAYPARK's concert!
Damn excited lorh!
Jealous huh, you people. Kekeke.

Will update about that day next time, because it's late now.
Very late.
Especially when I'll need to wake up early for class event tomorrow!
Will be meeting Pam before meeting the rest of W45D.
Can't wait!

There is this fucking flying cockroach nymph shit flying in the toilet when I was bathing. What a good time I chose to bath.
Damn unlucky la!
That piece of shit was flying above my head, and whenever I move, it moves too.
If you watch the cockroach show, you will understand why.
Watch more tv people! It helps in increasing your knowledge and common sense.

Today my handphone kept ringing, and I felt like I was so busy. -.-
Once in a lifetime, I guess.
But, I didn't expect Yingzi to call me out of a sudden, because these days have been busy with class event...
So, she called. &she asked if I know who KimJunHo is.
Of course I know! He's my lover's twin brother yo! Lol.
She was invited to the Junho's fan meet, and she's able to bring a friend along.
&then she invited me! Hohohoho.
I bet that day will be super fun, because there'll be a handshake, and there will be an intimate session~
It'll be fun!

Popping like a popcorn in Golden village. Lol.
I am dancing around at home like crazy! (Although I'm still freaking about the cockroach..)

My very first 'forehead' photos revealed! Lol.
The last time I ever reveal my forehead is when I was in Secondary2, before I cut my sibei long hair &fringe.
&The last time I tied my hair in public was... the last day of O levels.

Anyway, I am super excited as my life has become more colourful now, and I can say I'm trying to live my life to the fullest.
Who cares about how emo you can be, who cares about how ugly shit you might be, who cares about how empty your wallets can be, who cares.... &so on.
As long as you're trying your best to live better, and not give up on yourself.
So, tadaaa~
Even doing mask, you must be this happy.

Don't you agree?
Hahahaha! Enjoy.
Oh, by the way. Someone I know is going for a cosmetic surgery.
So I told her to remove all those old photos of hers and upload new chio photos.
You know, the before &after photos can be an obstacle to others point of view about people who did cosmetic surgery.

If I was her, I would remove all my old ugly fugly photos, and delete them. &buy those photos I took before from my friends or whosoever. Lol.
Just kidding~
Okay, I need to sleep now! Bye peeps.

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