Friday, April 13, 2012

What is left to be au naturel?

Why are people starting to look similar? Why are girls trying to starve themselves for the perfect body? Why does love has so much expectations? Why are we out for fashion? Why do we spend sums of money on the way we look?

What is left in us that's au naturel? Media has harmed us all. Everything that's happening in your brain right now, is not au naturel because it was put in by media, or even people you know (but come on, where did they had this idea in the first place- media).

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Life is too short to be unhappy

Busy week, work work work!
First 3 days were training, but got my desk on the 3rd day! :) With my mentor.
But I hate where the office is located at, always got lost.
Got to know many people, and made friends with a buddy (we're gonna stick together for the 6 months).

4th day of work.

Le me decided to flood my desk with food.

Got my new bottle.
Love to go to the pantry because I can get to see a hawt guy cause he's sitting somewhere near there. LOL. Never forget to ogle at guys even during working.
Hey, there's quite a handful of good looking guys there okay..

On friday morning I woke up damn late, and decided to cab down to work.
Shit la, such thing should be prevented. 
Got there damn early in the end! (P.S/ There was people who open the car door for you when you get down the car, wtf damn awesome right?! Like luxury only.)
Decided to get coffee but forgot to take sugar.
Got back up and was "Fuckkkkkkkk!" I ordered black Americano.
Goodness gracious. No word can describe how it tasted like.

What I like about Friday:-
  • DRESS DOWN! (Le me wears jeans to work! YESSSSS!)
  • TGIF - Saturday can wake up late, like finally.

Kao! See the viewwwwwwww!
It's a view from an interview room, and I can get the permission to go in the room to use their phone whenever I want (as long as it's not used) to do phone screening.
Good view, talk on the phone, le me gonna kia kar.

One thing I dislike bout it is the toilet.. damn small.
Notice the bag that's hooked on the door? LOL, I find it funny.

Finally it's the weekends!
Got to sleep till 5pm in the afternoon on Saturday.
Damn shiok.
My brunch.

To be honest bout one thing:-
I pour the milk first then the cornflakes, hey,  don't judge okay?!

Currently I like the work and the environment, but who knows?
Maybe I will dislike it as soon as I'm no longer in the honeymoon period. But my mentor is a nice person la~ just that she looks very serious and fierce. 
Must conquer her first then go conquer other colleagues. :\
Eh, must survive 6months lei. Plus it's graded one. Tough okay?

Bitches are gonna hate me, but I'm entertained whenever she's angry at me.
Well, I can't be bothered because she's just a joke to me.
There's so much things that she does not know (I know it's nothing to be proud of) but she's really much pathetic than I am. I have to admit that I'm partly the fault for making her a fool, but well.. her boyfriend (I mean, ex) did a part as well. 

She should be glad that I did not tell her those truth that can be hurtful in the past, and stop hating me.
But well. At least, don't blame me for causing you to admit into hospital for 3 days. How was that my fault?! Did I push you down the stairs or stab you in your stomach? If not, shut the fuck up.

Scold me, hate me whatever you want. But don't spoil my reputation and spread stupid awful rumors to people whom I don't even know and start brainwashing my friends and make them go against me.
You're just a bitch.

Afraid of your boyfriend cheating?
Then just do something to prevent it from happening.

1. Don't find such boyfriend in the future if you can't handle them.
2. Make yourself more appealing la. Or be nicer to them! Finding faults at them and end up with a quarrel will just push your boyfriend to some other girls okay? Wake up your mind! Seriously.
3. If none of them work, and you're still stupid enough to stick on.. Just unbuckle your bra and go through one night. You'll slowly get used to it. But don't blame anyone if one day he still decides to leave you.
4. You can choose to make him go blind. So he won't stare at other girls anymore. If not, you can just lock him in your room. I think that's the best decision. But I think you'll either end up with some crimes for hurting someone and/or locking up someone. I've no idea bout the charges, but if you really end up doing something like this, do update me bout the charges kay? :)

To be honest, that bitch should really just wake up from her lala land. It's no one to blame. What did I do? Did I do something that changes her boyfriend's mindset about her? I never did. Even so, if her boyfriend is easily brainwashed by me, it's a wake up call for her. Seriously.

Quote for the day/: 
"Don't blame others for your own silly mistake. If relationship is easily broken externally by others, it's a relationship that's not worth keeping." and "Understand that no one will stay in your life forever. Every relationship has their expiry date."

Sunday, March 11, 2012

So, let's just be straightforward with one another

Seriously bruh, you think I don't stalk? You think I can't read?
If you've anything against me, or some opinion about me, you just tell it straight in my face instead of blogging it out or posting on social networks. If you're doing something like this, then I'm just gonna do that to you as well.
I mean, let's just be straightforward.
Being straightforward without hurting one another. Hard, but possible right?

Everyone is different and special in their own ways. We all have our own thoughts and opinions thus the differences in characters.
It may be something I want badly but it might not be something you've considered ever.

But, what's the obstacles causing you to tell me straight in the face?
Afraid? Fear? Thinking that I'm inferior than you do? Stupid excuses.
If I'm nothing to you, you wouldn't have opinions of me nor really dislike me. Wts.
We are all humans, accept each others' differences and keep your opinions to yourself or, just spit everything out.

*Seriously I start to ponder and ask myself if all the friends I've made till now are worthwhile or not. Just sometimes, their words and actions show me otherwise. And the fact that people are way too selfish. They don't remember that although words can be the most hurtful tools, honesty is the key to improve a relationship/friendship. I hate that kind of feeling and there is a possibility that I will starting hating such friendship too, just one day.. I really might, regardless of how long we've known each other.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Behind the closed doors

*Shall blog tonight with my laptop instead. So much things on my mind., and I'd been thinking a lot this morning.

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Let us make life full of rainbows

Recently been thinking what should be accomplished/achieved during this year. Hey, there's so much I wanna do! :)

1. Visit USS againnnnn!
2. Night safari, please.
3. Pajama party @ a boutique hotel, with several bottles of wine and exciting games throughout the night.
4. Not for kite flying but .. Marina barage!
5. Get myself a pet :\
6. Renovate my room~
7. Celebrate my birthday spontaneously!!
8. Learn cooking.
9. Overseas trip <3
10. Learn something sporty; e.g. Cycling, roller blading, ice skating, whatever laaaaa.
11. Someone to give me a puppy as present cause my parents doesn't allow me to buy one :((
12. Bungee jumping *___* heehee

Okay la, that's a few I can name for now. Not all must be fulfilled, but it's good to do all these. Life would be filled with unicorns and rainbows! Lol.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

How hard will you try to make it happen?

"Sometimes if efforts are not appreciated, there's a need to re-evaluate if things are worth anymore."

I'm just gonna shut up and be less initiative. It takes two hands to clap and two parties to keep the relationship to continue. If none is working for it, neither should I. One word, 'worthless'.

Well, at least now you showed me that I should just be a bitch and continue on living like one.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

When will we meet again, my prince?

About 23 more days left to internship.
Yet, I've many things I have not done!

1. Dye my fucking hair
2. Shopping- buy clothes, shoes, bag, accessories (SPEND, SPEND, SPEND!)
3. Exercise, bitch! 
4. Pick up a hobby

Players are people who've been hurt in relationships before, and refuse to be the only victim.
Why do they exist? After being hurt, some no longer believe in being trueful to their partners, while some other just refuse to commit because they believe that they're, indeed still popular in the market.

Players are people who are strong upfront, but weak inside.
It's not that they'll not stop their routine, it just takes them more time to finally hold onto something dearly.

But on the other hand, who are the one who hurts the most?
The sincere bunch of people who fell into love of pits for the players.
What do they get in the end? Lessons.

Quote for the day/:
"Some people come into your life as a blessing, while others come into your life as a lesson."

Even if you might not be a blessing, please don't be a lesson that I'll be learning.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Take a walk in the secret garden with me

Though I really do feel like dying.. (Literally - Y U SO WEAK?!)
But, you know your parents always teach you that you've to fully utilized a pen until it's no ink then change a new one, exactly. I should learn to live to the fullest before I die and no longer remembered in the world anymore.

I swear there's many things I've yet to do. Too many in fact.

Did my nails last week.
I've to admit I can't take good care of manicured nails. Few of them have been chipped. -.-

Quote for the day/:
"Friends with benefits- In reality, it's telling you to your face that you're good enough to fuck, but not good enough to invest feelings in."

Friday, February 10, 2012

"I'm not beautiful enough to be beautiful"

When you start to fall ill, you realized that you're going to miss out many things in life.
When you start to be depressed, even the sunshine can't brighten your day.
And, when you start to receive that wake-up call, it may be too late for a change.

It feels as though my immune system has shut down.
Who the hell falls sick for more than a month? Who the hell can't recover after consulting so many doctors during this period of time and eating all sorts of medication to improve his/her health?
Yes, I am still running a fever while typing this.


Is there anything else I can do for you to make you happy?
Please don't judge me.

Friday, February 03, 2012

They say, "You reap what you sow."

All these while, I can only blame myself for the outcome.

Why did I destroy myself for a guy? My future is mine and belongs to no other. I should be more responsible. But I never learn. Not once.

Point is, I might have to retain in Poly. Well ya, who the fucking hell retains in a poly? Answer, me.

Self destructed myself and I should take the responsibilities and face the music. There ain't many second chances in the world.

Goodnight world. Sometimes I just feel like sleeping and never wakes up. #emobitch

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Slightly overdose on sweet talkings

Many girls love sweet-talkings, especially from guys whom they're interested in.

And that's the reason why players (guys) are so good at it now. Motives, I would say. To make girls (who initially might have slight good impression on that guy) get used to them, and gradually fall in love. And after that? That guy would find ways to get into the girl's pants. The end, the guy won the 'game', and once they're bored with her, the whole "It's not you, it's me." game starts- tryna break up with her for some stupid reasons. Things don't stop there, if you realised. Once the relationship is over, these guys will keep their ex girlfriends in the 'friends zone'. (Yes, girls get friendzoned too!!) Why? To keep themselves entertained of course, and to make sure that they've something to do with when they're bored. Well, they are players in the first place right?

So girls, why make yourself easily succumb to sweet talking? If a guy sweet talks through his way to you, he can do it behind your back with another girl too. What makes you think a player will commit to you just because he said things like, "Babe, you're different." or "You know girl, we both have sparks that are so special!"

It's a girl's weakness that their confidence will boost up whenever a guy sweet talked to them. Because many players are pin-pointing their weaknesses in order to get what they want. So girls, enjoy being sweet talked but don't regret after being played and never believe that a player will commit or tied down by you so easily.

Been there, done that. So I hope that girls are able to help themselves to identify those players around them and avoid stepping into the trap of sweet talkings so easily. Goodnight.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Prepared for that day, when I can't even look up for you

I'm missing my long hair now.
Seriously why do hairdressers have to think that 1 inch = 3 inch long?
Short hair makes me kinda sad, after all it takes me quite some time in order to keep that length dude.

First I ranted about square nails, now I'm ranting all day bout my shorter hair. Bitch, grow up.

Somehow I was hoping to stay all day at home and leave for a movie at night during these CNY days y'know? Forget about house visiting, red packets, Chinese new year goodies, whatever. I need rest you know? I'm still feeling giddy after falling in the toilet that day, though my one week fever has been stabilized and all BUT I'm still not yet fully recovered yet.

I realized that one day, you might go back to her. I mean, you're a guy who would go back to your comfort zone rather than starting on something that you aren't confident enough of. And she's probably having her own good ways to get you mesmerize once again. It's easy. Just by doing it the second time.

I will get myself prepared for that day whereby I could no longer ask you out, or even to contact you because who knows, she might get all jealous over again.

However, once you're in my heart, you shall always be there.
Though I still wish I could spend more time with you, it's okay if we are only able to be friends, purely friends.
But that doesn't mean I won't be there for you or care for you anymore.
I just want all the best for you.
I could exchange all my happiness for yours as long as you won't regret and stay happy and blessed forever.

Yes dude, it hurts- so badly.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

A new start, probably?

Happy Chinese New Year to y'all!

This year's CNY isn't much of expectation to me because I can't receive any angbao on the first day, and as usual the second day is just gonna suck. So yea. Plus, we've to go back to school on the third day.

Nevertheless, I hope everyone else can eat whatever they want, socialise with their relatives, receive as much red packets they can, and enjoy their celebrations. Good day!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


曾那么努力想要为你加油,曾那么努力想要在你难过时 陪在你身边,曾那么努力不让你孤独,也曾那么努力让你幸福。
没人曾知道,我所拥有的‘曾经’ 是有多少的喜怒哀乐和想要给你的祝福。



Just sharing a nice and meaningful song

I know that I'm insignificant and I know that it's impossible
The longer it takes, the hopeless I get
Since you never even glance at me
No matter what I do, you'd never gonna love me
I know soon these dreams I have will come to an end
Right now there's still some time left to find a good reason
to hold you back, I know it's hopeless

No matter how much I love you
I know you'd never be interested, but a man can dream
I still hope that some day you will love me

It's impossible since you think I'm not the one, but it's fine
I'd just keep you in my heart forever

Even though I tried I could never please you
What you got from me could be just annoyance
I just hope you'd hear to this
One last song just for you
From the deepest of my heart just only for you

Right now there's still some time left to find a good reason
to hold you back, I know it's hopeless

No matter how much I love you
I know you'd never be interested, but a man can dream
I still hope that some day you will love me

It's impossible since you think I'm not the one, but it's fine
I'd just keep you in my heart forever
I've no idea how long it would take until I can forget you
until all the precious memories fade away
until I can love someone again

Right now there's still some time left to find a good reason
to hold you back, I know it's hopeless

No matter how much I love you
I know you'd never be interested, but a man can dream
I still hope that some day you will love me

It's impossible since you think I'm not the one, but it's fine
I'd just keep you in my heart forever
Since you think I'm not the one, but it's fine
As long as I'm still breathing
I will love you forever

Friday, January 13, 2012

2012, Please be good to me

New year's resolution, maybe it's too late already since it's already the 13th day.
Let's put it as "Things I hope I can achieve in 2012" instead then.

  1. Year2 Semester2 to quickly end!
  2. Enjoy my internship @ Citibank
  3. Slim down, be motivated to go exercising
  4. Renovate my room - My mom's gonna throw away gram's bed (I miss her! Sobs.)
  5. Learn to be more sociable
  6. Improve time management
  7. Overseas with friends/love ones
  9. Find back the cheerful and optimistic me
  10. Be brave with the things that I want
  11. Understand the importance of saving money
  12. Spend more time with my family and my loved ones
  13. Try ice skating & roller blading
  14. -Love myself-

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Don&apos;t tell me I&apos;m beautiful because I know I&apos;m ugly

#plasticsurgeries I have been wondering why would people engage into something like this and suffer for the sake of beauty that is, non-natural.

I mean, of course you became prettier but what about those money you've pumped in, those recovery time (that can be wisely spent instead of staying home to recuperate), taking risks- what if the equipments are unsafe or the skills of your surgeon is not experienced enough; and so many other unforeseen circumstances that might occur during and after the surgery.

I understand everyone wants to be a beauty and skip the routine of waking up early in the morning for preparation like putting on make up; ensuring your scars are concealed, your nose is seemingly high and sharp, or even a Angelina Jolie's full and pouty lips. Make up is a hassle for me too and it can cost more than some surgeries in the long run.

I want to be beautiful and confident enough too when I look into the mirror just like other girls. But the thought of suffering pain under the knife, kills me. Although I've always said "Suffering some pain for beauty sake is definitely worth it," but does that applies to going through cosmetic surgeries? I don't know, it's your say.

For me, I'm against myself going through the process under knife but like I've said, I want to be beautiful and since we're only young once and definitely going to live once, maybe I would consider getting one. Not now, but maybe someday. However, I am not sure if I'm able to overcome the consequences of going under the knife and neither do I have so much cash to do one.

Kudos to those who've done it. I see them as a group of people who are very brave instead of superficial or fake. For the sake of themselves and knowing what they want, they're willing to sacrifice and endure with the pain.

Fantasies shall be fantasy. If I could, I would most probably do 3 areas on my face. (I would look so different by then.)

Who knows what might happen in 5years down the road?