Saturday, February 26, 2011

You're just lying through your teeth

Stop trying to change yourself
For a relationship that's not meant to be

Hmm. Was wondering if I should do undercut or not.. It's cool, I
like. But it doesn't seem to suit me at all. Well, goodbye black hair, hello brown.
Not pretty sure if I really like the current color or not, but I seriously miss my black hair (black when indoor, brownish/reddish when outdoor), which I think is damn mysterious. You can never figure out what color it is. -.-

But afterall, it's been done. I'm quite lazy to dye it again. My sudden 'buying shoes' fever suddenly hit me again. MUST BUY SHOES! MUST BUY MUST BUY MUST BUY!! Shopping in S'pore is no longer fun. (Have I said this before? Hmm.)
Anyway, I must quickly get myself busy and start earning.

Regret buying so many things this month; wasting so much money. Especially on food! Omfg.
I need more money for:
  • Repairing fucking lappy
  • Save money!
  • Spend it on my love's birthday
  • Get myself a new gadget?
  • Go overseas for shopping la dey! -.-
  • Redecorate my room :B
Okay, I should stop listing. It will just goes on forever.. Feeding on desire much?
Screw my lappy, seriously. Guess I will need to bring it to service tomorrow like, a must. It might need to stay at the clinic for at least a month, I think???

So, I must spam photos at this little space.

Shu! She's damn cute. ;) She's older than me, but she just looks so cute and much younger than me. *Starting to draw circles and emo. -.- No one can beat me with that signature twisted mouth picture. Aiya, whatever.

In school, taking during examinations. My face was still round round, fat fat. Typical fatface. (Although now still freaking round.)
Look @ the makeup! Gosh.
No wonder my classmates used to say I look ah-lian.

Love my accessories; I lost my freaking ring! It's in my house, somewhere, that can't be found. Guess a rat/lizard/whatever shit has stolen my golden ring, thinking it's cheezels. MOST LIKELY.

I have got no idea what I was doing, or why I was taking picture as well -.-
Still fatfat, as usual. Envy those with V shaped face, with chio features, baby skin, defined jawline, pouty lips, mesmerizing huge eyes.
Too bad life is no 'The Sims'.

Every idol has their very own fans.
I too, CAN HAS FAN. \m/
Seriously, it's a fan I'm standing next too. Those very hugeass fan that can blow your hair in all place. & in this, I have huge fat pouty lips, brown hair, and winged eyeliner; just for JAY PARK'S concert!

My very first fringe-less picture. A picture that causes quite a number of people to comment bout it. Disregard if it's liking to it, or disliking it. Who cares? I take picture you lan lan ok? ;)

LOL @ this picture. Look like a whiny kid.
It's the time where I start to put light make up, or simply don't even bother.
Less ah-lian, rightzxzx?

Most recent; I like florals. But screw that piece of outfit. Gonna get it out of my closet.
This picture of me has least makeup, in fact, it's NO MAKEUP. True indeed.
Lie to you got money uh!?? Lol. Typical.

Guess my purple hair has already become brownish liaozx.

This post is getting way too long -.-
Alright, gtg. Will post immediately when I get my cb laptop back from servicing.
Guess so :)

I did not start something just to end it one day

Come on Baby let me see
Whatchu hiding underneath, I wanna see it

Yadayadayakyak. My blog & my life is getting so boring nowadays. How I wished I am having school, minus away studying. Life would be great.
Spam you some photos.

I was so bored today that I actually went into a chatandgo tagboard and starting quarreling with two people. -.- Of course, I won. That little fucker had to apologize to me in the end. K, maybe I do pity them, or think I'm in the wrong.. but I was seriously too bored, and just nice they were getting on my nerves.

Effing rude kids who are uneducated, without any discipline, who don't even know how to spell correctly, fucking two-faced. Oh, did I mention that they were sprouting vulgarities? Wow. I swear I did not scold any vulgarities at all to them, y'all know?
Nah, just some cyber quarreling which made me occupied when I was bored.

*Remembering the days back in Secondary school where everyone (almost) are cyber attacking on people's tagboard. Don't deny that you didn't! I know, at least once or twice. Without letting people know who exactly you are.

Now I'm feeling quite bad for quarreling with xmms. -.-
Alright need to go sleep asap, so I can wake up early tomorrow for salon. Still don't know what I should do to my hair. Color? Cut? Curl? Re-bond?
Don't know~ Guess I will need to see my mood tomorrow then.
But suddenly feel like I will miss my Black hair ttm.
Kthxbai, goodnight.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Entering the adult world; What are you feeding on?

There's always this little beast growing inside each of us
You'll just have to wait for it to be awaken

Many thoughts have been running in my mind. I'm always having second thoughts, over and over again, until history repeats itself.
It just felt like I've thrown my brain into a whirlpool.
Ai mai, ai mai.

Shorts, Hot pants, Work for money, Holiday, School sucks, Alcoholic, Tourists, Open-minded, Selling, Overnight, Different schedules, People whom I don't know, Not experienced, Fear...

Everyone has a beast inside of them, feeding on every little bit of us.
No such thing as innocence once we grow up, or starting to enter the adult world. We will be feeding more and more.

Fed on imagination, Fed on dreams.
But now, Feeding on my own fear, Feeding on people's fear, Feeding on your jealousy, Feeding on my own desire.
Growing up sucks. I just want to stay young forever, forever @ 16.

So, tell me. What does your little beast in you feeds on?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

You keep me addictive enough for days

Falling in love is super easy
But maintaining that love for one another, is difficult

Happy Valentines' Day to everyone out there (though it's over already).
I think this very day is so redundant and materialistic. I mean, if you really love your partner, everyday would be just like Valentines', no? :)

I know a guy friend who told me that he once broke up with his girlfriend on Valentines' Day just because he wanted to save money instead of buying expensive gifts on that very day for his girlfriend, I mean ex.

_l_ Seriously. Don't you feel like sticking a chair up to his freaking asshole? -.-
So damn cheapskate. It's the thoughts that count, not the gifts.
So, are you happening to wonder how I spent my V-day? :D
I had my first test early in the morning, Wii with Jerome & Brandon, 'studied' for Math, went home to blogshop (my current best friend), & there I received their 'gifts'.
Shall not go into deeper details if not people might say I boasting. Wtf.

Then there's this guy, effing pissed me off on this very day. FYL.
What happened was he asked me what I was doing, so I replied honestly that I was blogshopping instead of studying, & there's so much I want to buyyyy! Then he said, "You buy what you want lor, then I pay. But you must go date with me hor.."

FYL big time.
I got no money to buy is it??
Make me sound like I'm 'selling' myself, or doing an exchange.
Desperate for r/s for what? It won't last long anyway.
Serious, the more I think of it, the more angry I am. No joke.
Irritating. Bastard. Who. I. Won't. Talk. To. Anymore.

Kthxbai. ❤(◕‿◕。)❤ Lee Seung Gi!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

You're just like a beautiful picture of a child to me

If I said my heart was beating loud
If we could escape the crowd somehow, would you hold it against me

Fuck my eye-bags. Like freaking obvious can?
Finally updating something huh. Lol. What was I even busy with? -.-

So yup, finally last day of school. It was something I was hoping for it to happen since long long time ago. My heart was just giving me different feelings to begin with this semester.
I dislike the major clique separation; the obvious of fakeness; copycat/dog; etc.

But, I will miss my clique.
Cheryl's company every weekdays; Teehui's often teasing; Siow Wei's care towards her friends; Marilyn's company every weekdays as well; Kezann's acceptance of me 'flirting' with her; & Sharon's acceptance of my 'flirting wave'... & many more

Before I worry bout who my year2 semester1's classmates will be, I shall worry bout my UT3 first. Major huge asshole tests. &I don't seem to have the sense of urgency to start revising.
Can you just imagine how I'm going to die when doing it?? ;(

Anywayzx, I'm itching for some major shopping. Like for 100000x years.
There's so much I want to buy. There's so much I want to do.
There's so much I want to say, I want to experience.

I freaking want to go overseas for shopping can? Irritating.
I hope my assets can just duplicate/grow by themselves.
Kthnxbai; Baby good night!

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

You dug a hole for me to fall in; fall into love

Are you guys having reunion dinner later? ;)
Don't forget about getting loads of angbao okay? Then you can share it with me. Thanks.
But I'll need to study during the CNY for 5 huge ass tests.

Pity me; give me your angbaos can already.
Above pictures are my BARE FACE; you idiots. Teehee.
Got fat-faced me; Got bone-faced me.
Likka lame.

Anywayzx, wish you all good health & more wealth.(Y)
Cabbing down to Grandparents house later. So long then.