Saturday, February 12, 2011

You're just like a beautiful picture of a child to me

If I said my heart was beating loud
If we could escape the crowd somehow, would you hold it against me

Fuck my eye-bags. Like freaking obvious can?
Finally updating something huh. Lol. What was I even busy with? -.-

So yup, finally last day of school. It was something I was hoping for it to happen since long long time ago. My heart was just giving me different feelings to begin with this semester.
I dislike the major clique separation; the obvious of fakeness; copycat/dog; etc.

But, I will miss my clique.
Cheryl's company every weekdays; Teehui's often teasing; Siow Wei's care towards her friends; Marilyn's company every weekdays as well; Kezann's acceptance of me 'flirting' with her; & Sharon's acceptance of my 'flirting wave'... & many more

Before I worry bout who my year2 semester1's classmates will be, I shall worry bout my UT3 first. Major huge asshole tests. &I don't seem to have the sense of urgency to start revising.
Can you just imagine how I'm going to die when doing it?? ;(

Anywayzx, I'm itching for some major shopping. Like for 100000x years.
There's so much I want to buy. There's so much I want to do.
There's so much I want to say, I want to experience.

I freaking want to go overseas for shopping can? Irritating.
I hope my assets can just duplicate/grow by themselves.
Kthnxbai; Baby good night!

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