Tuesday, September 27, 2011

You know my story, but you won't understand the feelings behind it

Just how much can one person change after one moment?
How much have I changed behind this wall?
How much more am I changing?
Why am I changing?

"All those crazy things you said; All those crazy things we did. Didn't think about it just went with it."

I hate myself for not letting go; I hate myself for falling in so deeply; I hate myself for not having what I can't have; I hate myself for those mistakes we've made that will hurt her; I hate myself for being unreasonable; I hate myself for making myself feel bad; I hate myself for confusing my own self; Most importantly- I hate myself for being myself.

Love you too deeply
Made those mistakes; killed myself with it
&My love will hurt either her or myself
I'm a sinner- I believe I will get my karma one day when I least expected it to come back haunting me.

How do I go on protecting my heart?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Well-hidden; You can never see the tears that flows behind this smile

Ironically, believe.

It's been long since I last updated, and I'm finally back from China.
Many things are changing every single time, who knows what will happen next? I might met with an accident on the road, win a lottery, or even become a lesbian the next minute.

I mean, nobody has the ability to predict the future. &Things are always changing in our lives.
Sadly enough, I have to admit that I falls under the category of people who dislike adapting to changes. Refuse to follow fate, some may say. 
Always remaining in their comfort zone and wishes everyone to give in to them.
I'm a loser, no doubt.
Admit defeated.


当你和我的时候 能够快乐地笑,就很高兴。


就好像回到7岁那年,看到别人有一样宝贝 自己也很想要拥有它,但知道自己不能和别人抢。一但抢了,不知会有多少人流泪。所以就会很想去寻找一个一模一样的宝贝,却才知道 那宝贝是独一无二的限量版,世上只有一个。

拥有,抢夺,放弃 都不是。感觉上就好像根本没有什么选择的路;一张有去无回的单程车票,没有彩排 - 只有现场直播。选择了 就没得挽回。

痛恨为何命运要作弄人- 难道一定要我经历过这种痛 才能成长吗? 憎恨自己为何不现认识你,为何我不是她,为何我不可以。

幸福中带着悲伤/ 快乐中带着眼泪/ 甜蜜中带着心碎/ 美丽中带着破碎

爱情跟人生一样:就像是海里的大浪 永远不知那未知数- 何时浪会落 何时浪又起。

回到原点,请问你们会:伟大得背叛自己的心而放弃心头最爱,还是 不顾一切地伤害另一位战友为了达到目标?

我.. 很想拥有那特别雕制的宝贝;却不想让那位战友落下她不该落的泪。

末个空间的小小我,或许已知道那不为人知的答案,却一直像不成熟的大女孩 拼了老命都要反对; 打死都不想要承认。若他选择的会是我,那他已早就放弃她。若他选择的会是我,那我们早已很幸福。 

但傻乎乎的大女孩,就算被利用 就算最后变成了后盾/救生圈,我相信她也愿意。



Monday, September 05, 2011

Wake me up when September ends

Just one more week in Singapore before I head to China.
Me + China = Never ending fate.
(You'll never understand the pain.)

Try to get myself back on track, though I'm still that girl who's having fun.
Telling myself I must move on, but wavers every single time.
Fucking pussy lor. 
But nevertheless, it's because the feeling for him is so strong that I am able to persuade myself to bear with the pain of moving on/leaving. 
Just want him to be happy with his choice and never get hurt.

Classic line: He happy, I happy lor. 

Sadgirl93 needs retail therapy + good food to feel better.
Or at least go to work.. Which is what I'm doing now. Working almost every single day, and hoping got people jio me go dinner after work. LOL. Big hint already lor people..
Be smart!

So who want to jio out to makan with me now?!

P/S: Hope that I can recover soon, but I'm like keep wavering. Maybe I overthink things as usual and only want to believe in what I want to. Sihui, it's time for you to grow up already.

P/S P/S: Knn, this is the first time I'm ever been so mad @ this guy friend of mine. Thank god you were ** if not you sure get uppercut by me. 
First time, take it as ignorance. Second time, take it as forgotten. Third time, take it as impulse. Sorry but that's my limit, you better don't do it the fourth time. It's fucking nb irritating. 

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Please help me stop it from happening

Went to celebrate Twinnie & Chuxuan's birthday on 26/09/2011 together with Yingzi & Marcus; if I remember the date correctly.
Marche as usual, and I ate the most. Like wtf; why did I eat so much?!
I ate half a chicken and a half pizza.
Growing fat fat already laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~

Not happy that I didn't get to take pictures with Twinnie!
Damned. :(

The 3 of us got our birthday card/wishes together respectively.
I love birthday cards! (Y)

Twinnie & I shared the pizza; We didn't know that TOMATOES were part of the toppings, and both of us happened to not eat tomatoes. So this what happened to our poor tomato. 
I tried accepting it, really. I ate the tomatoes that were on my first slice, but I really cannot take it anymore.. 


So other than that, I wanna talk about something today. 
It's a huge yet simple word.. 'Disappointment'.
It's normally mistaken for the true meaning behind this word. 

Disappointment happens only when people/others failed to do whatever you expected them to do. Simply put, you want others to do things your way
And if things isn't going as you planned them to be with the default of others, there comes disappointment creeping in.

Everyone has this 'something' in them where they expect someone to be someone they want them to be or to do things their way. They would want to make these people around them to change (for the better), or whatsoever.

I believe that I do have someone in mind, hoping that he/she will change.
But I have to say that I don't do that often. Because I know that, it wouldn't be the same person if he/she changed because I want them to change to whoever/whatever I prefer them to be. I like/love people around me for who they are, if not I wouldn't have keep them around until now. 

Even if they change one day (because they want to), I wouldn't resist the change and try my best to understand them and accept a whole new them.
I am able to do this. And I know it's wrong for me to think that others should be able to do this as well.

Because many people ain't able to accept the 'new' me, yet.

But I want to let those people who are concern and now resisting my changes that I am still me, and I won't lose myself because of these changes. I still love myself, love my family and love my friends.

I hereby want to assure these people who are still reading this little space of mine that I'm alright and I am smart enough to protect myself from all these shit and everything will be fine.
It's not that I have change (for changing) but it's just that I am growing up and stepping out of my teenage life.