Thursday, August 18, 2011

Nobody ever made me feel this way

Wednesday seems to be very happening, every time. ^^v
In the afternoon went back to school for photoshoot, and I'd already load hella lots of make up at home, and when I reached there, they still fucking put on more make up on me.
Macham like wayang already lor.

Then at night went to Ahni's house for barbeque + steamboat.
Made a mess in her kitchen cause I suck at cooking. :P
But when we're starting to eat, I felt so tired as thought I can sleep while eating. No joke.


I'm a hardcore pussy. Damn it.
I'm too fickle-minded already, I think. Whatever you've told me on Tuesday night.. I really want to do it, but fear starts to creep in on me. I am most willing to, but I'm afraid that that day will never come, and I'll just be waiting in vain.
I wanted to move on (tho it's hard), but then again I don't want myself to regret.

Let's say you're in love with someone, you'll start to imagine/picture the both of you together in the future, or somewhere along that line, don't you?
But it seems like I can never picture us together. More like I can't see future in us.
Yet, I'm still holding on, and willing to wait like a pussy.

I don't know what I want right now.
Y'know, those mixed feelings gushing to my brain.. It's sick.
Whatever. I just have to make sure that I don't have any high expectations from him.
At least I won't get hurt this way.
I doubt that my heart can take it any longer.

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