Friday, July 01, 2011

Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday

July is just the beginning peeps! 

Time passes damn quickly this year as well. It seems like I've not enjoy enough. And counting from the last, I've been single for close to a year. Many asked me why I don't get myself involve in a relationship. Someone even asked if I'd converted into a lesbian. Lin lao hia! !@#$%^&* LOL ><

To tell the truth, who doesn't want a boyfriend who can spend his time with you, and be there for you???
Of course I do, singlehood has been close to a year already. Making some changes won't be that bad, I know. I know, really.

But, it doesn't mean I want it means I want it.
Because of past relationships, you'll be taunted by those hurtful memories. You overthink about the future, what will happen if I hurt that guy because of my past, what happens to us if we ended the r/s- will we still able to become friends again etc.

I still fall in love, but.. I lost all courage bout starting a r/s. It's not as easy as it sounds like. You need time, commitments, and the preparation of ditching your friends because of him.
I don't have any of those. I need to go to school, go for work, visit grandfather every week. I can't commit since I've no time. I love my friends, I'd made the wrong move by ditching friends for my guy. 

And lastly, you'll need to find that right guy confessing to you.
That's the most difficult part. &No one has taught/know who is exactly the 'right guy'. You might think that he's the right guy for you, but does he feels that way too? Who knows when he might lost interest in you, and start cheating and lying bout it? What if he's a huge flirt and you can't handle it anymore? What if he hits you, and uses vulgarities when he's mad at you? What if we can't last long? What if he found someone better than you? What iF comparison starts to get involve in the r/s? What if regrets creep in?

What I know is that everything will end, someday.
R/s is one of the hardest to handle after it ends. You miss the important person in your life, you miss the time you guys spend together, the places you visit, and the memories that will keep on haunting you.

You start, you hurt. You end, you hurt. You'll get hurt as long as you start a r/s. 
It will still be a scar when you get over it and move on.
But those scars are beautiful. It makes you stronger independently, but it created another fence for you to jump over to start a new r/s.


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