Thursday, July 28, 2011

Crying because I've been strong for too long


And, I am still learning to do so.
Agree that I was never a good friend to begin with. I don't think I've done a lot for my friends, not enough.

I just wanna say that friendship is only once in a lifetime. Just like the current, it will never reverse back in any point of time. 
True friendship will survive through any harsh quarrels, and still able to love each other through any ups and downs.

Have you heard before- when people hangs out more often than usual and have conflicts once in awhile, the relationship will no longer be as expected? True friendship doesn't go that way. 

There's still so much for me to learn- how to treasure genuine friendships.
But it can never work if it's only me (one-sidedly) playing the part. Like I said, IT TAKES TWO HANDS TO CLAP. One way effort brings you to no where. I can't do it alone. 
We are going to hurt each other once in awhile, but it won't matter if our friendship is genuine.

TBH, I can't handle friends with strong believes (esp. in christianity), truth is I don't make friends or label them as best friends if they are one. Fact is I can never communicate with them. But, I still have friends who are la, just that we ain't best friends.

If you're reading this, all I want you to know is, the reason why I had to say all those to let you know is what I understand & experienced before, and I don't want you to end up like most of my friends. I don't want myself reading newspaper one day in the morning and read bout scams and knowing you're one of their victims.

I know you will say yours would never, or it's okay. But then again, who knows? You can never be 100% sure of anything. It's better be safe than sorry especially when it's about commitments, time and money. Neither would I hope you to turn out to be like them (character wise), telling me that I will burn in hell after death, telling me that I should go there to get all my sins washed away or so that there won't be pain and sufferings. I don't want you to be like them; advising people to go there to to get their problems solved.

You can always believe in Jesus, by all means.
But don't get so involve/obsessed that everything is bout him. Your life belongs to you.
TBH, this is the very first time I got so mad to the extent where I will quarrel with someone bout this. I guess I was too overprotective towards you, doesn't want you to turn out to be most people I know who was a non-believer, went there once and totally obsessed with it. It's not about religion or your god, but the people there.

Truth is, I was disappointed at first too. 
I thought friends should be there to listen to your problems; lending a shoulder to lean on.
I don't expect you to give me advice or solutions to my problems. Because at the end of the day, I am the only one facing it, and be the one solving it. I just needed someone to be there and listen to things happening around me.

Lastly, I believe that we are only young once, you can never turn back time.
In 20 years time, I don't want to see myself regretting what I've not done back then.
I want to go out and have fun now, when I'm still young.
Promise I won't go overboard, I just want to do things that when I'm 40 years old looking back when I was younger, I would be able to swear upon that I've done lots of things and gain loads of experiences, of course and have much fun I could.

I don't want see myself regretting at the age of 40, neither do I want you to regret at that age too.

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