Friday, June 03, 2011

Heh~ I'mma still an unicorn!

Greetings all breathing humans who're still alive. Ok, lame. HAI GAISE! \m/
Someone recently asked me bout what kinda guy I like, and asked me to blog bout it.
Of course, the lamest sister I ever had; Ben. Tch!
So this is for you, asshole! ;D

#1: Appreciative
Everyone knows cooking isn't my forte, I can cook cup noodles until it's still.. uncooked, or cook maggie until it's burnt. But baking wise, I'm still passable. So if I'm naise enough to be baking for your freakin' ass-sake, be appreciative enough. TYVM. Don't hiam, if not that would be my last time and don't blame me in the future.

#2: Protective
Of course, since I'm always 'molested' by people while I'm sleeping on public transport. KNNBCCB. Hokay, chillax.

#3: Cook for me
Awesome right? You should be honored to be the first guy cooking for me. Lol. Okay, just kidding. But, I really admire guys who can cook. I like being in the kitchen with my guy. But of course I'll just stand there hindering only lor. Aiya, whatever- goes back to the first point, be appreciative!

#4: Able to teach me things
FYI, I'm like a frog living in the well. I know nothing, I am dumb. :\ Okay, but awesome.
I do not know how to cycle. I don't know how to play pool. Etc etc.
Just having someone who can teach you things, is like blessed. You can learn and grow from that particular person.

#5: Able to change their bad habits just for yours truly

#6: Surprise me every now and then
I don't need him to surprise me every time we see/meet, I prefer the randomness. The surprise is of course good one la, not those kind where I found out that he's two-timing. Duh! But that happens to me like 3/4 of my r/s. Who got as unlucky as me siol? ;(

#7: Able to act silly with me
I'm silly. I do silly things. I'm clumsy. Accept for who I am, bitch!
Of course not asking you to be an idiot la..

I will curse you. Okay, chillax. Gentle reminder to self; I am a gentle and good girl. Must chill.
I don't like guys like that. Knn, then I flirt with other guys can or not siol.
Aiya, these kinda guys - not worth it.

#9: Most importantly; A guy who I can trust, someone who's I'm comfortable with
Why? Cause trust can bring us forward.
Comfortable with being with one another, can talk bout anything, just like friends. Someone who I can sing to. LOL! I like being random too~

#10: Someone who's thoughtful + caring + understanding + initiative
Bonus, bonus, bonus. No need to be very; moderate can liaozx. Lol. Noticing my every small move; like when I'm sick.. taking care of me, (Y) (Y) double thumbs up. Someone who's alright if I'm late for meetings. :\ LOL! ><
The latest I'm ever late for a meetup = 3hours.
Mentally prepared is always better. Heh.
I prefer guys who're much initiative because I am not that kinda person. I am more of "Okay, can" person, who will just say "Let's go lor" if you really wanna go out.

Of course, everyone will have their expectations. All these are just the surface, what I want is someone who will love me for who I am, someone who will stand by me no matter what, and someone who will respect me.
Tada! Simple right? LOL.

Hao la, have I answered your question??
I am damn tired already. Thinking if I should go MIA these few days or not leyzx. Haven't study yet. ;( Wanna die already. I think I lack of sleep.


Behind these hazel eyes siol!
I found this somewhere. Guess I was otw to work. The main thing is, I miss my hazel/honey lens. Goddamn it. It was chio-er than my grey lens now. Siqi thinks otherwise though.
Okay la.. I'm going to sleep already, I'm sleepdeprivedgirl93.

P.S/ My dress postage is here! Damn freaking awesome. But I don't wear that kinda clothe. How siol? I also don't bare to give it to others.. Hello so expensive. ;(
Hokay, goodnight.

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