Friday, June 10, 2011

Forever buying on impulse

That practically describes what kinda person I am, seriously no joke.
It sucks to be me. FML big time.
Okay, so I was late as usual to meet up with Twinnie today.
We went shopping together! I LOVE SHOPPING, YAY! ;D
Couldn't find any chio high-waisted shorts I wanted, couldn't get any big handbags, couldn't find my heels.. ;( And in the end, I bought things that are never on my so-called 'shopping list'.

BUYING ON IMPULSE; That's what I called it. Cause just after a few seconds/minutes, I will regret buying it. Seriously.
Me likka no life.

After the sequel of buying the most expensive shorts $50++ ever in my lifetime, I bought the most expensive top ever! $49 flew away from me.

"Noooo~ Why did I buy it?!"

Okay, then I wasted my money on accessories simply because it was cheap, but I ended up buying 6 of them. :(
Bought 4 rings, and 2 earrings.
Show-off a bit here and a bit there~

Oh, did I mentioned I bought another top as well? Gawd, I think these few days I need to eat maggie or bread to survive already. I just got my pay less than a week!

I am really like spamming photos. -.-
Anyway, now I am feeling damn regret already. Do you read me?! ;(
Shopaholic + Crazy = GG (Too many regrets in your life.)

  • Tomorrow going to uss
  • Sunday going watch movie
There goes all my money. Cheers to own self, bitch!
I hope I don't give birth to children like myself. I believe I will kill them with my own bare hands. Okay, kidding bout the last part.

Kthnxbai, I am hungry for some meat bitch!

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