You'll only end up blaming themselves
I'm not sure if I'm a good girl, or a girl that's pretending to be good.
Yes, I don't smoke, I don't club, I don't steal etc. But I'm not sure how's the measurements are like, ya know?
I know there are some bitches out there who are badmouthing me, saying that I'm a flirt and so on. But, do you know me enough to say that? Seriously, bitches! Get a life.
True enough that sometimes whatever I wanna do makes people think that I've changed- to a chao-ah-lian or whatever shitzx. Especially with my bad temper and low tolerance.
There are many things that I yearn to do, yet I can never do it.
Because of people's expectations of me. They expect me to be a good girl, and not do things like this. Good example; make up. People urge me to stop loading make up on myself because they stereotype that chao-ah-lian do their make ups like how I am doing.
Coming back to what I really wanna blog about! :-)
These are things that I wanna learn/do but however I couldn't because of your expectations and stereotyping.
#1: Skateboarding

Really wanna learn how to skateboard. I find it way cool, and it's like.. awesome.
#2: Tongue Piercing

Goddamn this! I freaking want this so badly ever since secondary school.
But I couldn't do it, because people don't let me.
"Spoil image", "Chao-ah-lian" and so on.
I even thought of what studs I wanna have when I pierce it.
#3: Crazily-done hair style/highlights
Really as crazy as these kind; don't you think it's sorta pretty?
Who bloody cares if it doesn't freaking suits me?! It's just freaking cool to have highlights like these. But I am not allowed to do so.
#4: Clubbing every week

Socialize, I call that. Or just simply having fun with a group of close friends where you guys dance, get wasted and spend the whole time together afterwards.
Till now, I have curfew; more like I need/expected to reach home before 11pm.
What?! I am 18 in just 2 more days.
But most prolly I won't club as much because I prefer just drinking.
#5: Tattoo

I freaking love tattoos recently, not all types though.
I especially love those at collar bones, I find them freaking amazing and cool.
If I am allowed to get a tattoo, I might get something like this.. or just meaningful words on my collar bone.
It's a piece of art okay?
#6: Smoking

Recently keep having the urge to try out smoking.
Especially when I got hold onto my lighter, it's like being cursed.
If I am able to get cigarettes that are in pink color like the above, I will definitely smoke one.
No joke.
&Can you see what's written on the cigarette box?! It says "Rose flavor"!!!
Whereas the black colored cigarette box says "Chocolate flavor"!
Though these are some of what I am yearning for, these are also some things that I am not allowed to do so. And sadly enough, I am someone who listens to what people expects me to do.
I am not trying to be a bitch/chao-ah-lian, trust me. :-)
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