Saturday, June 25, 2011

Every time I look into your eyes, you make me wanna die

Smiling is too overrated.
Step out of the boring frame and be someone you don't know. 

Sickness is getting into my bones and by the time in July, I would be visiting the hospital much often. Doing body scanning, surgeries; yada yada. Had no choice but to skip school on those days.
I'm feeling damn guilty for being late everyday for school.
I hate myself for growing fatter and prolly that's why strangers keep touching my fat arse.

Shall start dieting & reaching school on time on next Monday!
I've got no idea if it's gonna work, but... never try never know.
"What would you do if you only have one day to live?"

Seriously, I've never thought about this before ever in my life. Never.
This question really makes me think further. What should I do if my life is ending soon.

  • In the morning, I would wake up damn frigging early, bring my parents out for breakfast. Talk a walk in the garden afterwards.
  • Spend some time alone, sitting in an European style coffee house, drinking a cup of classic tea listening to some love song.
  • Head out with Nikon camera to a garden and snap some memories, by myself in the afternoon. Wearing a maxi and with a big bright yellow sun hat.
  • Picnic-ing with my beloved sisters. (What can I say? I really love picnics.) Reminiscing everything bout the memories we'd made together. Dancing around with some awesome music. Take awesome photos, hoping that they'll remember me always.
  • Head out for high tea with BFFs. Enjoy a cup of floral scented tea, eating some awesome pastries like macrons! Taking photos together.
  • Do something romantic with my boyfriend. (Let's say I have one -.-) Like.. erm. Watching sunset together after cycling. But he'll need to teach me first. Heh. I suck @ sports or sports-related stuff. Tell him how much I love him, and make him promise me that he'll move on and not to cry.
  • Have early dinner with my parents & grand father. I shall cook! Okay, not a good idea though. Maybe I can help out? I will do the washing! &Lastly, take a last family photo.
  • Drinking + Smoking with a bunch of friends. Since I'm dying, who cares about health?
  • Go club. Have threesome.
Okay, I was just kidding bout the last part. Maybe.
It's my last day on earth, so why not try something outrageous before I die? Maybe it's a bit extreme.
Oh well.
I know, I've just made this post as though I'm dying soon.
NO! I'm still alive & kickin'! Suck on your thumb bitches~!

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