Sunday, November 28, 2010

Is the music to blame?

God made us friends because He knows that our parents will not be able to handle us if we're sisters

Went kite-flying with my babes!
As usual, I was late for almost an hour just because I rushed home to get their presents! ;D
I wanted to rush home again because I left my camera at home.
But they stopped me. LOL.
Ate @ 18chef.
I swear we were the loudest in the restaurant. -.-
Chatted about handsome guys; they were salivating, as usual! (Y)

Remember this teddy bear biscuit?! They are my childhood faves!
Buy me one of this and I will love you a lot. Hah!

We bought sushi for lunch/dinner. And everyone at Marina Barage were staring at our food.
Blah! They're plain jealous.
How I wish that you're here with me.

GROUP PHOTO before we leave!
Love them ttm

And then! They came to find me on Tuesday!

I will always be there for you when you need me.
Like a tissue when you need to wipe your sweat, like water when you're feeling thirsty, like money when you want to splurge, like a bag when you're going to school, like a sweet to make you feel happier, like a pen to write on paper, like a fan for a celebrity.

I wanna be everything for you. And that's because I think you're worth it.
My shoulders are always free for you.
My time is always free for you.

1 comment:

Siqi said...

SIHUI~~ i love you ttm! <3<3