Monday, November 15, 2010

A change, FINALLY.

Take some pills, baby!

I think I seriously need things like that. See that pill that says, "JOY?" and that one which says, "BEAUTY?"

I've totally forgotten about my test tomorrow, and didn't study for it at all. What's worst is that the module is MATHEMATICS! FML. Prepare to fail, Sihui. ;)
I seriously hate listening to all the craps exchanging session. So I went for a bath that lasts 2hours. Try beating my record, sisters! And FML, my hair still reeks of chemicals due to hair dyeing, yesterday. Seriously, I think I will need perfume tomorrow to school -.-
Oh, share something with you guys. I think the colour run is damn fucking obvious when I bathe. @#!$%@^$@ It is not supposed to be like this!
And the fact that my Mom is right when she told me when I said I was depressed having black hair back, "You know? Your hair isn't black.. Your hair.. A bit got colour la. Like purple..."
Thanks Mom- it's soooo Auntie-colour la! Or those Ahlians.
It's somewhat true after I realized the run off water is purplish. WTF?!

Finally got rid of the tagbox. Damn irritating when there's spammers- who only knows how to use a tagbox. So humans/readers who wanna leave a comment and not spamming, you can leave a comment right below any post.

Ohyes! I love my mouse cursor now!!! ;) Damn chio.
It's a TO-MAY-TO!
Love it ttm. Even though I hated tomatoes and even joined the anti-tomato fan club with only three of us. Lol.
Alrightzxzx humans! I think I should sleep now. Study? I guess I'll do a real quick before the test starts ;) Teehee.

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