Monday, August 30, 2010

House marathon

Kekeke, went for house marathon that day~
Met, went to eat, headed to shi ting's house, and lastly went to carissa's.
Had fun then, taking photos, watching live, videos blahblah.
Whatever you can think of.
Ohyeah, I have a secret only carissa &shi ting know whenever I visit at carissa's.
Reveal now?:
Drum rolls*
Hahaha~ How funny can that be?
So if I needed the toilet, I will be asking either one of them to wait outside for me.
How embarrassing, seriously.
&Guess what's the reason of it?
Just because we once watched korean horror movie @carissa's.
Which was a good movie that manage to scare me- from going to the toilet.
Photos click to enlarge! :)


Random photos we took! :D
Look at the last photo in the middle in negative.. I just look kind of terrifying.

Probably I should just act in some horror movie since I got the shivers. Gosh.

Lastly, ♥This is me!

Recently, I am really busy and worried for my loved ones. So an advice to all the people out there reading this post or something, treasure kinship, friendship and people around you. There might be times where you might lose them.

Oh, and never put chocolates into your bag if you haven't finish it! I placed my Hershey's: Cookies 'n' Creme into my bag since I just ate a piece and wanted to place the remaining into the fridge once I reach home that night. But....

Tadah! It melted. & I have white choco on my Guess wallet, my lousy phone, my cleanliness pocketted tissue and many more. Not only that, my hand will get sticky whenever I put my hand in.

Now, all I can say is... I'm craving for STICKY! Hahah~ I KIWI flavour!

But not forgetting my other favourite flavours as well; BANANA, BLUEBERRY, & WATERMELON!

Even my MOM loves it. Disco Rock flavour is her faves.

It's delicious. Yumyum!

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