Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Am I strong enough to "Unfriend" you?

Have been cooping myself at home since last Thursday.
Me sucha anti-social.

*I beg your forgiveness for posting such an old photo. Seriously no life.

Did my nails, a very impromptu decision and first time I would actually filed it into square nails. Seriously regretted it after 5 nails were filed. I never will understand why so many girls prefer their nails to be in square shaped. I mean it's so.. inconvenient.

*Ranting on square nails- me no life.

P/S: Would we happen to want the same thing from each other?

P/S: P/S: Things changes so often that 'guarantee' shall not be spoken. Why are we still believing something that is never guaranteed? Who knows the next second it would no longer be the same; regardless a person's character or something that you're getting..

P/S: P/S: P/S: Insecurities. Tell me, how many of you are like that? I am. I'm insecure in many things because I am nobody. I don't have a preference although I'm not a follower. I don't have something that I dislike nor hate. I can't even tell you what color I like. I am not pretty, not cute, not gentle, not able to commit, no smart, not someone with hot bods.. There are countless of good qualities that I lacked with, so where did my little confidence came from? 

Confidence Vs Insecurities
Which of them weighs much more in each of the human beings?
Myself, I wonder too.

Friday, December 02, 2011

Listen to your heart or brain?

I believe that none of my facilitator for this semester likes me. Reason? Cause I'm always late for their lessons. -.-

Y'know now I don't know what I want, periodically.
It's like 'I want this, but deep down I know I don't need it.' Just like how 'I still like him, but I know I definitely deserves better.'

So lost in life you see. Always contradicting myself and thinking way too much beyond. I really need a change and get a life.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

As soon as I accept that you're gone, you're back again

Addiction is so addictive.
Never 'try' something out if you know you can never get over it.
Whatever, regardless it's drinking, clubbing, smoking, love, piercing, tattoos. Just whatever. 

There are so many things in life that maybe you believe you won't get addicted to it just by trying it out.
But! All these are just like a straight route; without turning back once you try as it leads you to a route that you can only continue and never turn around.

Oh well, just a bit ranting here and there.

Okay lor, now I shall go back into reality and continue finishing up things I've not finished. Screwed up myself totally. 

#Holidays are finally round the corner, 17 more days ya?
But come to think of it, what can I do during the holidays? I am that kind of person who dislike having free time/day. I like my schedule to be packed regardless of work, meeting up or whatever shit. So, how can I survive this time? -.-