Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Taking one huge step forward in life


Managed to psycho SIQI into eating sushi with me on last Saturday after our work! ^^ Ultra happy because I've been craving it for so long.
It would be best if I can psycho her into eating pizza with me one day. Lol.
*No wonder I am gaining kilos. :(

Don't remember how much we've eaten, but I definitely ate more than her, who eats damn a lot.
OMG! Just seeing this picture makes me wanna go eat again! SIQI, LET'S GO EAT ONE MORE TIME~! ;D

And then she recommended to eat the Jellyfish.
I was pretty dumb to not know this is jellyfish when every year I'm eating it at least once because of the yusheng my parents would order for CNY.

So here's SIQI trying to show how much she loves jellyfish!

While we were eating our dessert (ice cream puff), these guys in the background took a picture of us lor. KNS.

What happened was, on our dessert bowl, there left 2 or 3 more ice cream puff and I've touched one of them but in the end I didn't eat as I was 'distracted' counting how much I've ate.
At the same moment, SIQI coincidentally picked up the exact same piece that I touched. So I wanted to stop her from eating that piece.

Who knows I accidentally poked the puff instead of her hand, and she dropped it. & So on luh, can't really recall the rest.
BUT! It was damn funny that I laughed like non-stop. Causing these guys to take 'attention' to us, and freaking snapped a picture of us.

Prolly they're so gonna post it up on Stomp. Please help me lookout and inform one of us. Thx.

We were damn full after eating.
Initially our plan was just drinking after work, but one person fly us kite and we couldn't make purchase, like duh! All because his fault la! ;(

In the end we went back to our workplace, sing song & drink drink!~

SIQI only drank like less than half of the bottle (cause she didn't finish it all!), and I drank 1 and 1/2 of it. Hoegaarden wasn't up to my expectation, really. I wish there was Pure Blonde.

The aftermath of SIQI drinking = Singing like madwoman, talking non stop, being crazy.
Well, at least I wasn't like her. Hahaha!
Left workplace with Huimin and Huosheng, and they keep saying we're sampat. -.-
Damn! Our reputation is ruin.

So, what do you wanna see at the end of this post?? ^^
How crazy I looked when I drink?
NAH! I wasn't!

Just face red only~ ;|
Unlike someone! Hint hint* Lol.

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