Tuesday, October 12, 2010

B for Blue

Not only there's monday blues, it goes the same for tuesday.
New class, new people, totally are all strangers to me.

Seriously uh! A fresh new start, is always a lousy day to begin with.
And, a self-intro? Just how many self-intro must I do in my RP life man?
Can't we just have a stupid name-tag or sticker that identifies everyone?
&when someone idiotic enough to ask for our name, we are at least able to point at the name-tag smartly.

Haha. Beat that, moron.
I miss W45D already, like super much. Miss all those crapping and nonsense.
And like wtf?! First day of lesson and it's Maths2. Fucking difficult lor.
Or at least tell us to revise for something what.

In the end I did like nothing except FB, and MSN.
Great job! Wow, I am so impressed.
I should be reading the hospitality pre-reading now, but at this time, I should be sleeping too. So who cares? At least tomorrow is still the first week of new semester.
I guess I should be lucky enough to have lenient facilitators.
And I need to be in formal shit. It's just day2 of school man!

I think I'm ending here. Because I do not really have anything to post about.
Just trying to waste time :D

Ohya! By the way, I LOVE BLUE! :))))))))))))))))))))
&I love BGK!~

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