Sunday, February 26, 2012

How hard will you try to make it happen?

"Sometimes if efforts are not appreciated, there's a need to re-evaluate if things are worth anymore."

I'm just gonna shut up and be less initiative. It takes two hands to clap and two parties to keep the relationship to continue. If none is working for it, neither should I. One word, 'worthless'.

Well, at least now you showed me that I should just be a bitch and continue on living like one.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

When will we meet again, my prince?

About 23 more days left to internship.
Yet, I've many things I have not done!

1. Dye my fucking hair
2. Shopping- buy clothes, shoes, bag, accessories (SPEND, SPEND, SPEND!)
3. Exercise, bitch! 
4. Pick up a hobby

Players are people who've been hurt in relationships before, and refuse to be the only victim.
Why do they exist? After being hurt, some no longer believe in being trueful to their partners, while some other just refuse to commit because they believe that they're, indeed still popular in the market.

Players are people who are strong upfront, but weak inside.
It's not that they'll not stop their routine, it just takes them more time to finally hold onto something dearly.

But on the other hand, who are the one who hurts the most?
The sincere bunch of people who fell into love of pits for the players.
What do they get in the end? Lessons.

Quote for the day/:
"Some people come into your life as a blessing, while others come into your life as a lesson."

Even if you might not be a blessing, please don't be a lesson that I'll be learning.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Take a walk in the secret garden with me

Though I really do feel like dying.. (Literally - Y U SO WEAK?!)
But, you know your parents always teach you that you've to fully utilized a pen until it's no ink then change a new one, exactly. I should learn to live to the fullest before I die and no longer remembered in the world anymore.

I swear there's many things I've yet to do. Too many in fact.

Did my nails last week.
I've to admit I can't take good care of manicured nails. Few of them have been chipped. -.-

Quote for the day/:
"Friends with benefits- In reality, it's telling you to your face that you're good enough to fuck, but not good enough to invest feelings in."

Friday, February 10, 2012

"I'm not beautiful enough to be beautiful"

When you start to fall ill, you realized that you're going to miss out many things in life.
When you start to be depressed, even the sunshine can't brighten your day.
And, when you start to receive that wake-up call, it may be too late for a change.

It feels as though my immune system has shut down.
Who the hell falls sick for more than a month? Who the hell can't recover after consulting so many doctors during this period of time and eating all sorts of medication to improve his/her health?
Yes, I am still running a fever while typing this.


Is there anything else I can do for you to make you happy?
Please don't judge me.

Friday, February 03, 2012

They say, "You reap what you sow."

All these while, I can only blame myself for the outcome.

Why did I destroy myself for a guy? My future is mine and belongs to no other. I should be more responsible. But I never learn. Not once.

Point is, I might have to retain in Poly. Well ya, who the fucking hell retains in a poly? Answer, me.

Self destructed myself and I should take the responsibilities and face the music. There ain't many second chances in the world.

Goodnight world. Sometimes I just feel like sleeping and never wakes up. #emobitch