Friday, November 12, 2010

Back to life.. Living on

Updates! I'm fine. Thanks for many many concerns out there. Regardless its from ya bottom of the heart, or .. you know? :)
Let's rewind things on Monday.
I've learnt a lesson- never think about something/anything when you are crossing the road!

FML. I almost fucking got knocked down by a taxi. It was like two steps away from me only. So, never never think things while crossing the road. But I never learn my lesson. I believe that I am like that. Nah, can't be changed ya? That's me, accept it.
I really hate Mondays now can? Fuck FA, fuck monday blues. FML.
Really hate it to the max.
But, I remembered I love Mondays. Cause.. it was sweet.

On tuesday, it was Marketing. I like (Y). But the Faci like super weird can?! He talked to me, asked me weird questions, and wanted to put his cold drinks to my cheeks. You know! It's like weird?! Hello, who does that to their students? It's not like I am his friend or something -.- !

Wednesday is funnnnnnnnnnnnnn! I love my team. Tee didn't sit opposite me that day. (Y) If not he will keep kicking me, stepping on me. EVERY TIME, without fail. Doing HTM makes me wanna go overseas like Yingzi now!!! :( FML. No money, no baby, go where shit. Just stay home and imagine. Feed on your imagination~

Thursday yayaya! It's math!! FML again. Fuck math. I think most of the math Faci are cute. Kekekeke. Just like my previous Faci in SEM1 & now! But I still prefer previous one! >:( Brandon helped me in math! (Y) Great job! LOL. Had UT today also. Lucky I did my revision damn early beforehand. Good girl! Gonna study FA. FUCK. FA= fuck assignment. (Y)

Alrightzx! Now gonna eat my dinner~! Will update soon again! (L)

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